Saturday, October 12, 2013

Who Am I?

My name is Lindsey.
I was born Jewish, was baptized Mormon, and have an interest in Catholicism.
I have body image issues. I have two tattoos and four piercings.
I have two small cousins who practically worship me.
I love school.
I often don't give myself credit for the amazing things I can do.

For instance:

I can balance a broom on the palm of my hand longer than anyone I've ever met, I can even race and balance at the same time.

I can throw together a fantastic slideshow in less than 24hrs.

I have a meticulous eye for detail.

Regardless of fear, I can perform A'capella in front of large and small crowds with minimal screw-ups.

I can be quite charming when I want something.

I can bedazzle other people's resumes like a boss.

When inspired, I am a fantastic writer.

I get so incredibly frustrated when I'm learning new music pieces for piano, but I push through it just to see the look on my teacher's face because she can tell how much I practiced.

I'm writing an amazing novel that is going to inspire young girls everywhere to seek happiness in the world apart from the expectations society places on them.

I make the best spaghetti and meatballs. Every. Single. Time.

I'm a totally devoted and loyal best friend. Ask Bryce or Meredith.

I'm a rockstar, but I forget that so often that I never feel like it.

Who am I? I'm the rockstar who doesn't know it. Or maybe I know it but I don't always believe it.