Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Going Forward

Dear Charlie,

The last two weeks have been chalk full of family. The Dunn's came to visit, family dinners were had, and the Barlow family reunion happened in Joseph, UT.

Being surrounded by loved ones was so much fun, especially for me to watch you interact with various cousins. What wasn't fun was watching you deal with your first real sickness, in the form of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Your beautiful and busy hands erupted in large blisters, and you were whiny and clingy from a few days worth of fever.

Yet about halfway through the timeframe for this virus, you are on the up and up. Your fever broke, and the blisters began to heal. Regardless, I now have realized how easy it is for you to pick up those nasty germs that float around everywhere. But does that mean I should keep you away from everyone all the time because there is a risk?

The answer is no.

Getting together with family is worth the (unknown) risks, as will be attending church each week and going to school when the time comes.

We move forward. Things will happen in life, like sickness, but we learn from it and keep going. This is a hard lesson for me, because it is not the sunshine and rainbows version of parenthood that is the norm for us. But we learned together nonetheless.

Much like what our family reunion meant to me, build on the past to have a strong future, that is what I am taking away from this experience.

Keep calm and go forward, sweetheart.

Mama loves you!

Friday, July 6, 2018

Life With Baby: 7 Months

I can't believe that my baby is more than 1/2 a year old!

CharlieB loves sweet potatoes, rolling from back to front, standing in his exersaucer, playing in his walker, and babbling in his crib when he is supposed to be taking a nap.
He is such a morning person, especially now that he sleeps through the night!

He loves his 'taters!

Charlie loves Max...

...even if this pic suggests otherwise

My sweet boy of many faces!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

My 500th post (and other news)

Wow, I can't believe that this is my 500th post on this blog!

Five hundred posts in seven years!


Okay, now that I've acknowledged this amazing milestone, I have an announcement!

For the last two months, I've been reflecting on my life and some of my choices in regard to my family and my happiness. I wasn't unhappy per se, but having Charlie in the picture really got me thinking about where I am, where I'm going, and how it all would fit together.

As Charlie approached his half-year mark, I began thinking about when I wanted to have my next baby. I'd concluded that I wanted to start trying for another baby a year from now. With that in mind, I started to think about my job.

I did not have a very positive maternity leave experience this last time, and I knew that I wasn't interested in reliving that experience. This meant a job change was in the cards. I applied for jobs in higher education, I interviewed at the U and at SLCC, but nothing panned out. Just as I was in the thick of applications and interviews, my principal announced that she was switching districts.

Good news: I was no longer stressed about 'abandoning' my principal at the possibility of leaving my position.

Bad news: If I left, the office would be under new leadership without my support and that didn't sit well with me

Anyway, a series of events led me to have a heart to heart with my principal. It came up that she needed to hire a new secretary for her new school. I was hesitant. I felt compelled to return to higher education. I decided not to apply for her position.

More interviews came up a few days later, and the response was the same. While I was a strong candidate and they really liked me, they went with the other candidate. It all started to wear me down. I threw myself a pity party each time I received yet another rejection. It really go me thinking about my future, and maybe I was looking in the wrong direction.

Sam made a case for me to apply for the position to follow my principal to her new school.

I did apply, but pondered the 'what ifs' for the remainder of the week the position was open. I continued to interview elsewhere as the days led up to my interview with my principal. I was still conflicted as I drove to her new school for my interview.

So, you can imagine my surprise when I walked into the building and immediately felt like I was supposed to be there. I met with my principal and her new Assistant Principal, and had a wonderful interview. They called shortly after to offer me the position, and I eagerly accepted.

It's amazing how everything else snapped into focus after that. I had information that I needed to make life decisions and I finally felt a bit of control.

I can't even begin to describe the sudden surge of goodness I feel about my life.

Honestly, I'd been so hellbent on going back to higher education, I never stopped to think about why staying in public education would be the best choice.

First off, stress management. I know that school running has a stress load, but I know how to handle it. The stress load is greater for some of those other positions, and it really isn't something I wanted to willingly absorb at this point in my life.

Next, time flexibility. I currently have a 20min commute, a position at the U would have doubled that, now my commute remains the same, give or take a minute. I also get random school days off during the year, which means more quality time with Charlie.

Finally, I still get to be a community leader and crusade for public education. Which means I still have the opportunity to learn from other leaders in public education.

There are moments here and there where I start to second-guess myself, but then I look at the sweet little boy sitting in front of me who is continually babbling "dada." This time with his is fleeting, and I feel very blessed that things are moving forward in this direction.