Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January Update #2

Push-up Count: 1 set of 20 (and holding!)

I've been working with trainer (let's call him G) for three weeks! He kicks my butt on Tuesday morning and I'm usually still sore by the time I go to Zumba on Thursday afternoon. I think I might add swimming laps on the weekend into the mix; Stephany even gave me a swim cap to encourage me. I like knowing that I'm taking steps toward being healthier and more confident in my appearance, and I don't mind the endorphin boost either. I'm proud of myself for sticking to a realistic exercise routine, I can't wait to see my results come summertime. G wants me to add two more cardio sessions into the mix, which may have to happen on the weekends, otherwise it might kill me during the week.

Novel update:
I'll be honest, since classes started I haven't really been in the writing mood. I've been painting and cleaning more than anything else. I think it's because I do all of my readings for class during the day, and when it's nighttime I just want to do something less rigorous (not to say that creativity is not rigorous, just not as mentally demanding for me).

I finished Raining Lights, and now I'm working on the companion piece, Light Explosion. I plan on using these to breathe some life into the basement living room and make it feel less like a dungeon. I'll post a photo when the set is finished.

Victoria also commissioned me to replicate some pop-art for the boys' room, they turned out a little bit more abstract in style than the originals, but I'm quite pleased.

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Superman, Batman, Captain America, and The Flash

My first group project for MPC*656 was due last week, and I basically took charge of the work load and powered through it; I wasn't necessarily trying to control everything, I just knew that I would slack a bit if I didn't put a little pressure on myself. I was hesitant about this class initially, but now I think I feel pretty good about it. We ended up getting full points!

MACL*602 is great, as usual; I love my cohort, they are seriously some of the most amazing people I've ever met. I'm so lucky that I get to learn alongside them. A recent lecture had us considering a human's basic needs according to Maslow, and coming to the realization that certain demographics do not have the same basic luxuries (food, safety, etc.) and therefore don't consider some issues (arts, education, etc.) relevant because their basic needs are not being met.

Sam and I are officially a couple! I know it took awhile, but we finally got there (no thanks to me and my resistance to label the relationship). Between his calling as the Elder's Quorum President and my school schedule, we are pretty busy most weeks, but we definitely have "power couple" potential.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

laughter is the best medicine

Studio C really is my absolute favorite show ever!! So funny!

In September 2014, I discovered Studio C. How I went so long without understanding its true hilarious nature, I will never know. I used it as a coping mechanism to get over my breakup, and if anything, was the best thing that came out of the relationship ending. I discovered many hilarious sketches that helped me laugh the pain away some. I also developed a major crush on Matt Meese (but I've accepted that I can't trick anybody into marrying me...)

My favorite sketches are: Dana's Dead, Flirting Academy, Scary True Story from the Future, and Awkward Double Date with Puritan Roommate.

Anyway, many people know that Studio C's creation was rooted in a little thing called Divine Comedy, an improv group at BYU. Every semester, they do a few shows, and this year was the first time they were putting on an alumni show, featuring Studio C cast members (since they all alumni).

So, Sam and I got tickets and attended the 7pm show.

I got to meet Stacey Harkey,
one of my favorite cast members!

We cut through the Chemistry building on the way out,
and Sam loved the new Chem t-shirts

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January Update #1

Push-up Count: 1 set of 20

I had my first session with my personal trainer yesterday, and Zumba tomorrow before class. I think I'll make it a habit to work out on Saturday before cleaning the church. I like having a more structured schedule again now that school has started, it makes it easier to get everything done in a timely manner. I'm sore enough today that I may have to throw in a yoga class on Friday just to stretch my muscles s bit more.

Novel update:
While I had completely rewritten the first three chapters of my novel, I lost it when my flash drive crashed :( So now I use Google Drive exclusively, and am almost finished rewriting these chapters the second time around. With school starting again this week, I'm not sure how much time I'll be able to devote to the rewrite, but I'm hoping to do at least one chapter each month. As of now, the first two chapters have been completely redone.

I've been experimenting with light orbs, and am working on something that looks like it's raining white Christmas lights. The background is dark, and the lights are white-yellow. I think I'm going to call it Raining Lights.

I had my first class last night, Public Advocacy & Policy; I'd heard good things about the instructor, and she didn't disappoint. We talked about critical thinking for awhile, and went over the syllabus. I'll have about five big assignments, but I learned from my mistakes last semester about how to produce my best work. I plan on utilizing the Writing Center for every single assignment, not because I'm unsure of my writing quality, but because I want to hand in my absolute best work possible. I've definitely raised my personal academic standards based on my experiences from Fall 2014. I feel more determined than ever to get the most out of this program.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

This Weekend

This weekend was packed! Good thing too, because it was the last weekend before the start of the Spring Semester.

On Friday after work, I went mini-golfing on a triple date to FatCats. Sam and Alex were wagering that the loser had to wear the winner's school colors, which is funny because Sam is hard-core BYU and Alex is a die-hard Ute. Anyway, we played in teams, and Sam and I lost by 1pt. Guess that means someone's wearing red on Monday...

Me & Sam, Neil & Steph, and Alex & Sarah

On Saturday, I woke up early and decided to fill up on gas and then hit up the gym. Since gas prices have been so low lately, I just had to document how much it cost for me to fill up 3/4 of my tank.

After going to the gym, cleaning the church, and cleaning at home (my bedroom, the bathroom, the TV room, etc), I went to Michael's to stock up on canvas and then did my grocery shopping. I painted for a little while after I came home, and then I went to have dinner with Heather and Amy at Sea Salt.

Like I said, it was a pretty busy weekend. But I can't think of a better way to kick off the semester. This is going to be a great year!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Made for Me

In order to kick the year 2015 off on the right foot, Meredith and I went thrift shopping on Saturday. We both had two bags full of stuff to donate, and we were rewarded with our 20% off coupons. We probably spent about an hour and a half perusing the racks, and we filled our cart to the point of overflow. I didn't really need anything in particular, except for maybe a new track jacket.

I'd finally retired my black and grey Bennion Center track jackets, only because I just couldn't wear them anymore. They were full of holes, and frankly, they were as old as my cousin Kate. It was so hard getting rid of these jackets; I practically lived in them for the last six years, but even I knew that it was time.

As I made my way down the racks of work-out clothes, I stumbled upon a basic black dance jacket. It was perfect. The material was durable, it was basic, and it had a blue 'L' embroidered on the left side.

It was made for me!

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The absolutely perfect jacket that I plan on being buried in

Why didn't I get rid of these old jackets back in October when I first put them in my box of donations? 

I don't know.

But I'm glad I waited, otherwise I wouldn't have found the absolutely perfect jacket that was clearly made for me.

Oh, in addition to the jacket, I got a royal blue button down long-sleeved shirt, two new work-out tops, and a blue and white striped top.

I guess you could say I did good this time.

Monday, January 5, 2015


To say that this is a list of resolutions really isn't accurate. Anyone who knows me well enough understands that when I say I want to do something, I just do it. In the past, I've made lists of resolutions, themed my year, etc. But this year, I'd like to take a less structured approach.

The chosen theme for 2015 is "Being Human," and will focus on how it feels to have certain experiences. It will be a very reflective year; my emotional navigation might be turbulent, but I'm sure this time next year I will be grateful.

This year will be my only full academic year. I will have a full course load for Spring, Summer, and Fall semester. This means that this year will be my most taxing year for academia, but I know I can do it, I just have to push through. This time next year, I will be working on and finishing my capstone project, and then I will graduate with my MA in Community Leadership.

Tyler will be home in early March, and we will have the chance to work on our relationship as siblings and friends; I'm very excited that he's coming home so soon, and that I'll have the opportunity to spend some quality time with him. He's changed so much since he left for Spain, and I know that he's returning an even better man.

My car will be paid off by the end of the year, seriously, I did the math. I actually keep toying with the idea of paying it off by August, and then saving even more for Europe the following summer. I'm still trying to decide what course of action will be best for me.

I'm pretty sure I'll finish writing the final draft of my novel at some point this year, I just need to motivation and time to make it happen.

Anyway, onto the goals:

I guess my biggest and most important goal of "Being Human" is getting down to a healthy BMI. I think I'll get a personal trainer at my gym, that way I can actually learn more about my body and the best way to preserve it for the long run.

Take more pictures; it's time to work at preserving these experiences and other memories. This extends to my classes and the time I spend with my friends.

I would also like to be able to do push-ups, two sets of twenty everyday to be exact.

I guess there's a bit of structure to this list, but it's more like a mini-list, a list-let if you will. But then again, I've never really had an issue getting things done; this is about enjoying the experiences that accompany graduate school, work, dating, friends, and family. I want to document this year as best I can, because I feel like this is going to be a big year for me.

Okay then, best of luck to everyone else and their goals for this year!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

I'm a Disney Princess...

To kick off the new year, I decided to pay homage to the Disney princesses that I grew up with. The princesses have been the subject of some scrutiny this last year due to the release of Frozen, and I thought I'd defend them by relating to each of them in some way shape or form. For your reading delight, you can read this fun fact page that inspired this post here.

This is Lindsey. She is a Disney Princess.
She has brothers and is fiercely independent (like Merida),
She loves books and dreams of adventure (like Belle),
She has spent her life being part of one world but openly longing to be part of another (like Ariel),
She knows how to ply with the big boys (like Mulan),
She knows the value of hard work and has the ambition to help it play out (like Tiana),
She dreams of true love (like Aurora),
She loves animals and the idea of living in a cottage (like Snow White),
She appreciates the effort of a total makeover (like Cinderella),
She has a tattoo (like Pocahontas),
She has a mind of her own and isn't afraid to voice her opinion (like Jasmine),
and she can't wait for her life to begin (like Rapunzel).

Here's the thing, I grew up with these women. I grew up singing their songs, pretending I was living in their stories. The lessons I learned from them helped make me the woman I am today. I will never verbally accost any of these princesses for the choices they make, because I know why I would make a different decision. Their choices help me understand differences between the way women think and how the draw their own conclusions.

They are inspiring woman who are very relatable. There are pieces of them of me, and in all the other girls of the world I'm sure.

Being a princess should be a good thing :)