Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Life With Baby: Week 11

How? HOW? HOW?

How is Charlie already 11 weeks old?

We are almost over his first wintertime sickness of a congestion-that-escalated-to-cough combination. I was terrified that it might be RSV, so we went to Instacare to get him checked out. No RSV, just congestion. We have now started saline drops and nasal aspiration before feedings during the day and he's made so much improvement.

Charlie's first snow day was spent going to RC Willey to buy new couches for the living room; he loved looking around at everything. Plus he gets compliments everywhere we go: "He's so alert" and "He's so bright-eyed!" Even Uncle Tyler said that most babies aren't very cute, but this isn't the case for CharlieB.

We love our weekly visits with Grandma and Grandpa, and I'm pretty sure they do too.

Mama goes back to work on Monday, which will be a huge change for Charlie. But he gets to spend four whole weeks bonding with Daddy before he gets Mama all to himself for Spring Break. After that, he gets to be spoiled by Auntie Anna.

Mama is psyched to get back to school, but she is already stocking up on pictures to show everyone when she gets back.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Legacy of Kindness

A week ago, Sam's grandfather Toby passed away.

We all knew it was coming, I spent most of last Friday waiting for the update. Lisa called us when Sam arrived home from work and told us. Poor Sam didn't know how to feel, he had never lost a grandparent until that moment.

Bob had booked us a flight for the next morning, so I spent most of that night praying that the baby would travel well. We packed in a hurry and headed to the airport around 9am with Charlie in tow.

It took 30 minutes to check our bags, and 30 more minutes to get through TSA. Lucky for me, Charlie slept the entire time in his wearable carrier. By the time we grabbed something to eat, stopped for a bathroom break, and did a diaper change, it was time to board the plane.

Charlie started fussing loudly while we waiting for family boarding, he was ready to eat. I had hoped to nurse him before we boarded, but I did't have enough time to make that happen. We camped out in the very back row of the plane and I started nursing him as soon as I buckled my seatbelt.

He nursed for twenty minutes and then passed out for a nap. Again, he slept the entire time.

I was so grateful.

Bob picked us up at the airport and then we took our luggage to Jake & Alexa's. This was the first time we had visited Arizona and not stayed with Sam's parents, but it was nice because Jake and Alexa have all the baby stuff for PJ.

I was exhausted. I hate travel day because I get so anxious about flying, and I hadn't slept well the night before either.

Regardless, we all slept very well that night.

The next day, Lisa capitalized on all of her children being at the house and we did family photos. I can't believe how much we've grown since Jake and Alexa's wedding.

The services for Lisa's dad were held on Tuesday, so most of Monday was spent preparing. We set up chairs in the backyard, power washed the deck, etc. Or rather the boys did while I watched the babies.

As more and more family members arrived into town, we got to spend time with all of Lisa's siblings. It was bittersweet to see so many relatives under more sobering circumstances.

I had been asked to sing at the service, so Sam and I practiced a bit. Although when the time came, Charlie was fussing and wouldn't let anyone hold him but me, so I had to perform while wearing him in his carrier. At least he was sleeping!

Sam's other set of grandparents were able to attend the services as well, and I asked Bob to help me get a four generations photo. We were able to snap a few :)

During the services, I learned so much about Toby. A common word recurrence was 'kind.'

I began to ponder what kindness means, but I also feel that I learned what kindness looks like. While I may not have known Toby beyond two visits to his assisted living facility, I recognize his legacy.

I see that kindness in Sam.

I see that kindness in Lisa.

I can only imagine what kindness looked like in Toby. It's amazing to hear so many stories and perspectives about how one person can leave such a significant impact in the lives of so many people.

Charlie is very blessed to have been born into such a beautiful legacy. I'm very blessed to have been brought into a family as lovely and kind as this.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Life Withe Baby: Week 10

How is my baby almost three months old?

He loves his grandpa, they are totally besties already! It is so neat for me to see them develop their relationship so soon.

He doesn't quite measure up with cousin PJ just yet, but he is almost 10lbs!! So he is currently half PJ's size.

 Lisa found a baby pic of Sam at the exact same age, what do you think? I definitely think he has Daddy's looks, but Mama's blonde hair.

Friday, February 9, 2018

"Shot through the heart... give love a bad name!"

Actually, it was his legs and not his heart, and Charlie got three of them yesterday. I got him his shots because I love him and want to best prevent against some serious illness.

He did great at his check-up; at nine weeks he is almost three pounds up from his birth weight and has grown 3.5 inches.

After he smiled and cooed for the nurse, he impressed the doctor with everything else!

Then it was time for his shots.

I am fully onboard with vaccinating children, yet that didn't stop me from feeling terrible when he started screaming.

He slept for 4hrs, which is not standard for him, and then he fussed most of the afternoon. When it came time for bed, he just wanted to be held.

Finally, I just let him sleep on my chest all night long. It doesn't help that I've been having hormone-induced nightmares and kept finding myself in dream-limbo on several occasions. I mean, there were at least three times where I was obviously aware that I was dreaming but unable to wake up.

I had dreams like this during my pregnancy, but now they are much more traumatic and I wake up feeling the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

While the baby seemed to make it through the night fine enough, I had my own struggles.

So far today, he wants to sleep. I have a feeling I will be waking him in order to feed him (also unusual for him). I hope he bounces back sooner rather than later.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

his hand in all things

I've always struggled with religion.

It is hard for me to place my faith into various situations and people because I am a woman of logic. I rely on facts to make decisions, which is why anxiety is such an issue for me (lack of control makes everything feel like a nuclear bomb rather than a broken nail).

Yet there are times where I feel the magnitude of God's presence, and the comfort that comes with that is practically indescribable.

Last Saturday was one of those days.

We blessed our sweet boy in the morning, and I went to a baptism that afternoon.

Sam's parents and his brother Jake flew in and stayed with us so they could be here for the blessing, so our house was full of Elmers!

We loved having them with us, especially because Jake's son is four months older than Charlie and we got to hear all sorts of baby stories.

As we prepared the house for the plethora of people, I began to realize that Sam gets to perform all of these amazing ordinances for our son.

The time came and Sam blessed Charlie to be kind, helpful, and a number of other things. Charlie did such a good job and really didn't fuss too much during. Lisa had saved the outfit that Sam was blessed in almost 30 years ago, and Charlie was able to wear it. He also wore white shoes with blue bears on them courtesy of Miss Shirley. Afterward, everyone wanted a chance to see our sweet boy. He ended up in my dad's arms and kept smiling at him, over and over again.

Being surrounded by family and close friends just helped me better understand what the Lord was going for when he created families. To feel such a special kind of love and commitment changed me, especially feeling like we are so much more than a family of three, we are all one big family.

This idea was only furthered when I attended the baptism later that afternoon for the daughter of a family whom I absolutely love to pieces.

Sam will be able to baptize our son someday.

We are already an eternal family.

How blessed I felt, especially because I remember being at a crossroad in my life shortly before Sam became an integral part of my story. I distinctly remember feeling like the choice I made next would be the choice that would set me up for the next stage of my life.

Two months after I made my choice, Sam and I had our first date. Five months later we were engaged. Three months later we were married. Two and a half years later we have a beautiful little boy.

I know I didn't get this little family by accident.

Again, I stand all amazed at His hand in all things.

Life with Baby: Week 9

Charlie rolled over this week!!

Remember how I said that he has impressive neck movement? Well he is so good at tummy time that he decided to become even more impressive and rolled over from his front to his back. First he did it for me, then again for Lisa, and then for Sam. Finally he was able to do it for my parents. It's so exciting to watch him hit these amazing milestones.

When Charlie is happy, boy is he happy. He smiles up a storm when he wants to, and even went so far as to make my dad gush the day Charlie was blessed. I love how he is becoming more and more interactive. I hope he will smile socially sooner rather than later.

Lately he sticks his tongue out, a lot. When I hold him skin to skin against my chest, he has started licking me. I know that having the ENT clip the rest of his tongue-tie was the right decision. Charlie seems so much better when it comes to nursing, and I actually look forward to that special time I have with him (even if it is 4am).