Thursday, September 27, 2012


Ooohkay, it has been for to long since I've blogged, but so much has happened I guess it just slipped my mind.

First Up, I got my first real full-time benefited job! I'm ecstatic to say I am back at the U, after being away for a year, it was so great to set foot on campus again. I am in love with walking across campus, cutting through the Union, and trekking through the library.

I even got to go to employee appreciation day today!

Adam and the 'A' on the Rice-Eccles field

Me on the 'U'

Anyway, I adore my job as an Office Assistant, it is the perfect job for me, especially since now I am going to pursue a career in advising. I miss my buds from the bridal shop like crazy, but I have begun a brand new adventure!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Quality time

I've been able to spend a lot of time with the kids lately, so here are some of our pictures:
First day of School (Pre-School and Kindergarten)

Kate was sick the first week, so Cousin Lindsey came to the rescue! After a day of funny movies, fluids, and a nice long nap, she was back to normal.

Mass Friday, hence the fancy clothes!

Kate didn't want to wear her hat on our walk, but she looks just like Bubby.

Kate insisted that I wear her bunny hat, I actually want one of my own now ;)

Me and the kids

Me and my girl