Thursday, September 6, 2018

Life with Baby: 9 Months

Three-quarters of the way to one year!!

Oh Charlie (aka Boo-Boo, Snickerdoodle, Snickers, Mister Snix, etc.), look at you!

You are the master crawler, and you are trying so hard to climb stairs (but are still a bit nervous to actually go through with it). You scale the walls and often only hold on with one hand. Lately you will let go completely and stand for almost two seconds.

You love solids, but until those teeth break through you can't have meat yet. You love pears and mangos, especially when mixed with oatmeal (or as Daddy calls it, man-meal).

Since you've taken to standing up in your crib, we have lowered your mattress as low as it will go. Teething has thrown your nighttime sleeps through the ringer, but you're back to sleeping through the night again and we are thrilled.

You are always on the go, places to go, people to see (hmm, wonder where you get that from).

We love watching you grow, we're pretty sure you're 16lbs, but we'll find out for sure at your doctor appointment next week.