Saturday, August 29, 2015

Paint Mixer with Kate

So, I'm about two weeks late in posting these, but for Kate's 7th birthday, we went to the Paint Mixer so we could paint together. I thought it was a good idea to buy her an experience instead of just another toy. Plus, we got to spend some quality time together too.

Kate even got a special birthday shout out
from the teachers running the paint session!

I can't believe she is 7!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

love others can love you?

One of my favorite stories/movies/musicals is Rent, a fantastic rock musical about love, disease, protesting what's right, and struggling to leave a mark on the world. There's a very poignant line, Roger tells Mimi, "You'll never share real love until you love yourself."

It got me thinking about whether or not I feel enough self-love. Most of the time, I do. I try my best to keep a certain balance (work, school, family, hobbies, friends, religion, exercise, etc), and that balance determines whether or not I'm giving myself priority.

Here's the problem I've noticed: our society equates feeling good to looking good. Nearly every single day, I see post after post in my Facebook news feed about people losing weight and getting in shape (which is great, don't get me wrong, I advocate sharing your personal accomplishments on social media as opposed to airing your dirty laundry). The message feels like "if you love yourself, you'll eat clean and exercise every single day, and then you'll look great!"

So, what if you do love yourself, but still aren't "skinny and beautiful?"

Is how you look correlated with how you feel about yourself?

For example, I really can't stand the taste of veggies. They are bitter, the consistency of cooked veggies grosses me out, and if I do eat a proper serving size my stomach can't settle and I feel nauseated. Because of this, I eat more carbs. So I know that I will probably never be smaller than a sz8 no matter how much I exercise.


I eat lots of fruit, balance my carbs with protein and healthy fats, drink lots of water, avoid soda, cook everything myself, don't buy junk food, and only eat out on occasion. I go to full-body work-out classes, yoga classes, and weight train on my own at least once a week to strengthen my back and core. My husband and I are planning to take up yoga together (I've never been a fan until this past week when it really helped me calm down after a stressful day) so we can have a physical fitness couples hobby.

Do I think I'd be happier if I somehow convinced myself to go vegetarian? Or if I jumped on bandwagon for all the exercise programs my friends keep talking about? Shouldn't the fact that I exercise 3x a week for 30-60min and cook everything myself be enough?

But wait, I must not love myself enough unless I'm willing to do X, Y, and Z.

So, what does loving yourself really look like?

Honestly, making it to a Zumba class after a rough day, picking up a pint of peanut butter cup ice cream, and reading a chapter of a new book is my personal version of wooing myself.

Why does loving myself have to do with looking beautiful?
Does being beautiful make you love me?
Will being beautiful make more people love me?
How many people need to love me before it's acceptable to be happy?

I don't consider myself to be beautiful. I learned a long time ago that girls with round faces, glasses, frizzy hair, bigger noses, short torsos, and child-baring hips are not beautiful. If I had lasik, chemically straightened hair, a nose job, and lost 30lbs, would I be beautiful?

When does my standard of self-love mean I am truly happy to the rest of society?

I've spent most of life being told what's physically imperfect about myself, but not to worry because I can change myself if I'm not what I want to be. Seriously, whatever you think is wrong with you, it can be corrected, for a price.

Well, I don't think that other people's opinions (good or bad) should determine my happiness. People's ability to love others shouldn't be conditional regarding physical appearance.

If I want to eat my ice cream, let me! As long as I keep my life in balance, why should it matter to anyone but me? I make my choices, but I own them too!

I love myself enough to allow indulgences, but the love is strong enough to understand that too much of an indulgence can hurt me.

I love myself enough to get a massage if I have a knot in my back that I just can't reach.

I love myself enough to talk about my feelings when something is bothering me (as opposed to bottled it up and creating anxiety).

As much as we encourage "self love," we promote "self hate" much more frequently. We should love ourselves as is, so we can learn to love others as is. Women shouldn't feel like they aren't worthy of their own love unless they conform. Girls shouldn't grow up reading their news feeds and equating looking good to feeling good.

I can't wait to ask my future daughter about what made her feel good that day.

How you feel about yourself should be the most important. If you feel good, then great, you don't need to tell me why, all that matter is you know why.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

so it begins

Monday and Tuesday I had my "first" days of school.

Monday it was Rhetoric with my former Marketing prof. A handful of my cohort friends were in there with me, and after my prof started to talk, I immediately felt good about the semester.

Tuesday was Capstone Development and Design, the class I was completely scared of. I'd heard many horror stories about crazy deadlines, failure to obtain IRB approval, and lots of tears. At least I wasn't the only one shaking in my boots.

Anyway, Capstone wasn't too bad, lots of reading and research is in store for me this semester.

Just as I was leaving class, my sweet husband asked if I was hungry and did I want to go get food together :) We ended up walking to Dee's for pancakes.

This morning, as I was heading out, I declared, "We have a date tonight!"

"To fight over the remote?" he teased, which is hilarious because we get less-than-stellar reception on our living room TV.

"Right." wink wink

This semester won't be so bad, in fact, our last night of class is on my 26th birthday.

Friday, August 21, 2015

"I Do" {behind the scenes}

Now that we are married, back from our honeymoon, and getting back into the swing of things, it's time for a photo explosion.

Our wedding day was a blur, I can only remember a few details (like my feet hurting, hyperventilating while having my hair done, and what I wore to the temple), but I remember telling Sam I planned on riding the emotion roller coaster.

Victoria spent the night with me the night before; we had brownies and ice cream and watched some of my favorite movies 'Keeping the Faith' and 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding.' In the morning, we went for a walk, and I left to go get my hair and makeup done.

While the lady was washing my hair, I proceeded to hyperventilate because I was having a panic attack. Fortunately, I was just fine after that, I just needed to get over my nerves.

Our sealing was wonderful, I've never felt so much excitement, joy, and watched so many people tear up because something good was happening. My sweet little brother tried so hard to hold it together, but even he couldn't help it.

Anyway, I don't remember much, but I remember feeling almost overwhelmed by my emotions. Even now as I look through all my photos, bits and pieces of the details come back to me.

Marrying this man was one of the best decisions I've ever made, and I can't wait to see where life takes us!

The Bountiful Temple 

Our rings

Elmer Kids

Elmer Family

Larsen Family

Larsen Kids

Melissa caught the bouquet!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

the last year (of school)

Today is the first day of the semester at Westminster; lucky for me, my classes don't start until Monday. But still, I love watching all of the new freshman pour into the building and find their way into their intro science classes.

Campus is definitely "scurrying," a big change from being stagnant and ghost-towny like it has been all summer. I don't mind the scurry, it's kind of nice not to feel completely only in my building. There's a bustle around campus that I've missed, and I'm glad every one is back and gearing up for another great year.

This is my very last Fall semester, unless somewhere down the line I decide to get a PhD, but I'm leaning more toward a no on that front. As much as I love school, I'm ready to focus on other areas of my life, like my marriage, eventual motherhood, working on my novel, painting, my strong desire to learn karate, and adopting a dog (just to name a few).

I'm both happy and nervous about my classes this semester; my writing class prof also taught my marketing class last spring, but my capstone class has me concerned that my idea might not be a good one for a project/thesis. I guess we will find out.

I'll be happier/more nervous next semester when it will be my very last first day of school as a student.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Put on Your Happy Face

I’ve been dealing with some pretty nasty “life road bumps” lately (being unsure of my capstone project, drama on campus, and Max & Kate are moving away) and I’ve had to lean on others for emotional support. My husband has been phenomenal in helping me process my feelings by letting me vent for a few minutes every day, and he learned yesterday that he can instantly lift my spirits if he uses silly humor near the end of my vent session to change the subject. It throws me off, that’s for sure. But then I’m further enlightened by just how important that silly humor is.

I take myself too seriously, that’s just fact. He definitely knows how to be serious, but he also knows when we’ve hit the limit on whether or not continuing the vent session is beneficial or detrimental. I’m glad he can pick up on that. He knows how to make me laugh, that’s for sure.

In fact, his happy face, bright smile, and cheerful demeanor are why I married him. He really does complete me because the qualities that he brings to the table are the ones that I’m lacking.

I'm still having a rough time, but I know I'll come out of it.

I just have to ride the roller-coaster and put on my happy face.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Happy Kate Day!

Happy 7th Birthday Kate Hillary!

Oh my goodness, I can't believe how fast time has gone by; it seems like just yesterday I was holding you for the first time on August 17, 2008. Now here we are, 7 years later and I marvel at the special little girl you are.

My favorite things that we do together are:

doing puzzles
painting our nails
playing restaurant when it's time for dinner
watching the Brady Bunch
having dance parties in the kitchen
and baking cookies!

August 17, 2008

July 18, 2015

 Happy birthday sweet girl! I love you more than candy :)