Wednesday, March 27, 2019

the price you pay

Lately I've spent many hours appraising my time. Additionally, I've spent time grumbling about losing my hour of sleep after daylight savings time happened.

In the midst of my pondering and grumblings, I crossed into the realization that time is the price we pay for happiness.

Time is a like currency, and needs to be invested wisely.

Now that I've stopped giving away my time, I'm reevaluating my investments.

My conclusion is that I need to invest more in myself.

I promised myself I would choose three things that I love that are just for me, and put more time towards those activities.

First up, writing.

I started writing the sequel to my novel, and I have to say that I am loving developing this story. It wasn't what I originally pictured when I thought about continuing the story, but so far I am loving the direction it is heading toward.

Secondly, restorative yoga.

I love yoga, and now that my kickboxing studio offer restorative yoga I decided to try the class. Restorative yoga is more like meditation coupled with stretching, but I've been doing it for three weeks now and I'm hooked.

Third, temple work.

I love the temple, and I adore going to the temple to perform ordinances. I've been doing family history for four years now, and there is so much work to be done. I've made temple dates with my friends, traded childcare with neighbors so we can all go to the temple more, etc.

I think that investing more in this little trifecta of interests will be a great way to keep myself in check. I want to get reacquainted with my best self, the version of myself that I spent countless hours looking for while I was in graduate school.

Recently, I decided to be bold and make a pretty big change.

I cut all of my hair off into a pixie cut to get out of my comfort zone.

I'm kind of amazed at how little I care about my hair now. I'm loving the low-maintenance of my cut, and even moreso loving how surprised I am when I look in the mirror. I guess I don't feel the need to look in the mirror as often now.

There is a price for everything, we all pay.

Double-check your price tags.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

When there is no joy...

It's no secret that I've been struggling a lot lately. Between work, daycare, toddler meltdowns, church callings, and other extra curricular activities, I had nothing left.

I read my friend Erica's blog, realized how much I missed her, so we got together last weekend for lunch to catch up. Charlie and I met up with her at Zupas, and we talked about school, children, and callings. I mused about my stress while my son promptly had a tantrum next to me.

She talked about Marie Kondo, keeping up with the Jones', and 'stuff.'

It made me realize that I was giving away pieces of my life, when I should be stricter and more prudent about who and what I give my time to. Basically, does it bring you joy?

Charlie and Sam take up time and space, but they bring me joy.

Work takes up time, but that won't change anytime soon. The joy and stress levels are about the same.

Extra curriculars, ding ding ding, we have a winner.

As much as I didn't want to, I resigned from the West High Alumni Association Executive Board. The time commitment tripled after the new presidency transitioned, and I just couldn't keep up. I found myself ignoring my family so I could prepare for meetings, and zoning out during meetings because I knew I was missing daycare pick up, bath time, and bedtime. It was just too much, it wasn't bringing me joy.

Additionally, my primary class was too much. Sunday morning would come and I would dread facing my class. I wanted my Sundays back; I wanted to enjoy going to church again. So I asked my Primary President for a new assignment. No joy, no go.

Onto the 'stuff' element.

Yesterday I decided to purge my closet. I've been inheriting a lot of clothes from my boss, and I was overflowing.

Sam asked me if I was going to get rid of my plethora of black sweaters (I have about 8 in various sleeve lengths, thicknesses, and waistlines). The answer was no, they each bring me joy.

I probably got rid of 30% of what was hanging in my closet, and about 10% of what was in my dresser drawers. Sam went through his clothes also, and our donation for DI was pretty impressive.

Our closet looks happier, that's for sure.

Finally, my kickboxing studio is rebranding and now features yoga! Yoga brings me joy.

I went to a restorative yoga class yesterday, and it was amazing! With my extra activities on the lighter side now, I have time to do a little bit more for my fitness goals.

I feel a lot better and significantly less stressed since I made these changes in the last week. I have to remember to make time to bring myself joy.