Saturday, April 28, 2018

Spring into change

While we may have been trying to shake 3rd winter in Salt Lake, the season of change is upon us...or at least it is upon me.

SAGE testing started this month, which signals the end of the school year drawing near.

Not a day goes by where Charlie does have a new trick to show me, which is reminding me that his time as an infant is fleeting. This was made clear to me when he sized up in his clothing today, he finally fits into 3-6 month clothes as he's just shy of turning 5 months.

The weather was pulling it's 'maybe I will, maybe I won't act as we are waiting for spring to finally stick around. Then yesterday was practically summer!

My postpartum body is finally starting to feel less foreign and more comfortable, although that could also be because I'm starting to fit into more pre-baby clothes again. I'm getting back into exercise because I can walk outside for longer periods of time.

Yet there is a lot of unfamiliar on the horizon that has me feeling anxious but excited at the same time. Sam is wanting to move up at work, so our house has been full of resume proofing and cover letter ideas for the last week or so. Even I've updated my resume recently; we had a Big Brothers Big Sisters event where we had to bring our resumes for our mentees. We both are thinking a lot about our family plans and career trajectories.

Currently, Sam is summer-izing the house as we prepare for a visit from Lisa. We are putting away coats and boots, and pulling out shorts and flip-flops. So spring cleaning is also taking place. I'm excited to put a fresh coat of paint on the front door and storm door.

I finally got around to cutting my hair and coloring it due to my outgrowing the bleach blonde ombre I did last spring. It's amazing how much hair you have when you forget to cut it for 6 months.

I always appreciate the change that accompanies the switch from winter to spring. Time to embrace all the little changes that are upon us.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Life with Baby: 4 Months

CharlieB is officially 1/3 done with his first year!!

He is weighing in at 13lbs and is 23 inches long. He is starting to outgrow his 0-3 month clothes and transition into 3-6 month clothes. He can roll over from back to front, inadvertently said 'dada' recently, and smiles like it's his job.

Most nights are good with only one wake up after midnight, but other nights can be every two hours from midnight on. We are grateful for the good nights because they get us through the not so good nights.

Auntie Anna watches him during the daytime, and boy does he love her. She always is texting me pictures of their time together and he is always smiling. Monday is his next doctor's appointment to get his 4-month immunizations, and Mama can't wait for it to be over.