Saturday, June 30, 2018

Summer, so far

I've been trying to keep my days balanced with fun activities for me and the baby, as well as making time to recharge. So far I think I'm okay, but I started to struggle at that two week mark.

We've spent a lot of time visiting my parents, we've gone to school a few times to drop in on Summer School, and had a few outings.

Max and Kate are in town, so on Monday we got to have a visit. I can't believe how big they are! It feels like it was just yesterday that they were Charlie's age. Where does the time go?

On Tuesday we went to Hogle Zoo for their Parent's Empowered Day with my friend Ellen and her grandkids. We tried to go early enough in the day to beat the heat, but it was the hottest day of the summer so far. Charlie still enjoyed looking around at all the different animals. I'm sure that he will appreciate it more next year.

While we were at the zoo, we ran into cousin Kelsey and her girls. I love it when that happens :) We also made plans to get together on Thursday with her sisters and their kiddos. We had monte cristo sandwiches for lunch, and Charlie got to play with Lily and Seth while Kait and Anya took the rest of the crew to the nearby park.

Bob and Lisa also came to town this week for a quick visit. We surprised Bob with tickets for the Playhouse for his birthday. We are getting ready for our family reunion in a few weeks, and we are super excited to get together with Lisa's side of the family.

Max, Kate, and Charlie

Charlie and Ellen

We rode the carousel at the zoo

A red panda

The polar bear, who took a huge interest in licking the glass from where we were watching

Running into Kelsey

Visiting Grandpa

Nana kisses

Law & Disorder show at the Desert Star Playhouse

Bob teaching Charlie how to drive (not really!)

Friday, June 22, 2018

Figuring it out

Dear Charlie,

It's been one whole week since my contract ended and I've been spending almost all of my time with you. I appreciate your 8hr sleep stretches at night, especially when my alarm goes off at 5am every other day so I can go to kickboxing class.

I don't appreciate your sudden urge to chew on me when your are nursing. Unfortunately, since you don't want to stop hurting me, you've lost your nursing privileges. Since you now get bottles 90% of the time, you get to stare at me with your brilliant hazel eyes while you eat.

You had surgery to correct your hypospadias last week, and you are recovering beautifully. The only drawback has been your inability to sit in your exer-saucer which has left you super frustrated with the excess of floor time. On the other hand, you've mastered the backward scoot, which means you will most likely be crawling by August.

I keep trying to come up with activities to break up our summer, but you just aren't quite ready for many of them yet. Regardless, we are going to the zoo next week and Nana is also coming to visit.

I'm still trying to figure out this whole "mom" thing. Be patient with me and I will try to have patience with you.

Mama loves you!

Friday, June 8, 2018

Come at me, Bruh!

I made a decision recently about my body.

I wasn't happy with it.

Pre-baby clothes didn't fit yet, stretch marks galore, and the lingering 10lbs of baby weight was getting me down like no other.

I didn't care that I had brought another human into the world, I was tired of hating on my Mom-bod. I just couldn't appreciate it with my life being the way it was.

So I signed up for a class at ILoveKickBoxing for the studio about three blocks from my house, and showed up today ready to make a change.

I tried on my pink boxing gloves and an hour later I was a changed woman.

The endorphin high was sensational, and I felt so good that when I got home I snacked on carrots and hummus (very unlike me). My good mood carried me through my lazy day, and I was ready for bed by the time Sam came home.

Yet as I was working with the trainer to decide my fitness goals, I realized that my priority needed to be on Stress Relief and Body Confidence rather than on weight loss.

I'm very excited for this journey. I know it will require mental and physical discipline, but I am up for the challenge. I am embracing the fact that my body will never be what it was, but I am determined to have it be better than before.

I took my body measurements after class, and I'm hoping to see progress between now and when things start up again at school in August.

The best part is that I am familiar with modifying some of what we did in class so I won't over do it, and I remember much of the terminology and form from Bodycombat a few years back.

I will be fierce.

I will slay!

Come at me, Bruh!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Life with Baby: 6 months

Happy half-birthday to CharlieB!

Names he goes by: Charles, Charlie, CharlieB, Cha-Cha, Charlito, Chatterbox, Snickerdoodle, Mister Smiley, and Charlizard. Maybe if he gains some more weight we can call him Chubalub,

When he's not having a growth spurt, he only wakes up once at night. But boy do those bad nights make us appreciate everything else. Sleep training is underway when it's time to go to bed, and we are making loads of progress. We have a happy little sleeper on board!

Lately he rolls from his back to his tummy and starts to cry because he isn't patient enough to take the time to roll back the other way. We know he can roll over both ways, but Mama has yet to see him actually do it, but she knows.

He talks so much, we all can't wait to hear what he has to say. He has babbled Mama, Dada, and a number of other sounds. Sometimes he'll go on and on for several minutes, other times he just says his piece and goes back to smiling. He really loves to start making noise first thing in the morning until Mama comes in to pick him up.

He is definitely a morning person and is always super smiley. Family morning snuggles are our favorite part of the day, followed by post-dinner playtime. Those family snuggles are the most wonderful thing in the world.

He tried rice cereal for the first time and looked like a dear caught in the headlights. But Auntie Anna has been helping him get used to it. Next up will be sweet potato puree.

Loud noises do startle him and he will cry, but we are trying to help him learn that he is okay. If something really sets him off, it's almost like he can't fill his lungs with enough air and his cries seem almost hysterical. We calm down quickly, but we are working on preventing the hysteria.

Mama can't wait to spend the summer having fun adventures with her little dude!