Sunday, March 30, 2014

25 things I like about me

So I read this article on Pinterest that talked about 6 different ways to love yourself, and the very first thing was to make a list of 25 things you like about yourself. This is a slightly different approach to my posts about random fun facts, it is a reflection of positive characteristics and examples that I believe I have.

1. I'm good with kids. I can't tell you how many times I'll see kids children out and about on campus or in public and just want to start playing with them.

2. I love cats, I saw one while I was out walking and stopped to pet him. He was a sweetheart and just wanted some attention.

3. I'm not afraid to karaoke in front of strangers.

4. People, on multiple occasions, have told me I have balls. Guess I'm more gutsy than I give myself credit for.

5. I'm a good writer, and one day my work will change the world.

6. I can thrift shop for labels like a boss, seriously, just ask my closet.

7. I'm really good at puzzles, the more pieces the better the payoff.

8. I'm Rachelle Satz Dunn's granddaughter.

9. I can make people laugh.

10. A little boy named Dylan is one of the few loves of my life.

11. I'm really good at making connections to understand things, for instance, I played a new game last night where the only way I could understand it was to simply ask: "so it's like supernatural Clue?"

12. I decided to make healthier eating choices.

13. I love painting.

14. I have a rather large collection of earrings.

15. My naturally blonde hair color.

16. My brown/green eyes that no one ever really notices because of my glasses.

17. I treat myself to pedicures once every few months.

18. I'm actually a pretty good listener.

19. I can logically assess flaws in a system after a few minutes of observation.

20. I like that I play Scrabble even if I never win.

21. My calves are nice.

22. Silver hoop earrings are my thing.

23. I make yummy breakfast burritos.

24. I journal every Sunday afternoon.

25. One day I will able to play all my favorite songs on the piano.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A New Beginning

The first time I set foot on the University of Utah campus, I knew I was meant to be there. I have been a part of the U of U community since August 2008 when I was 18yrs old, and here we are almost 6yrs later still a member of said community. Throughout my Bachelors degree, multiple on-campus jobs, and living in Officer's Circle, I definitely enjoyed bleeding red :)

Now at age 24, I'm set to start a new chapter at a new institution. I have accepted a full-time position in the College of Arts & Science at Westminster College. I'm also waiting to hear if I've been accepted in the Master's of Arts in Community Leadership at Westminster as well.

To be honest, I'm slightly terrified. I've never had an opportunity like this before, I can be whoever I want in this new position. I'm trying to convince myself that it really is just excitement, and that I know I'm going to be great at this.

Anyway, here's to new beginnings. I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tyler's Birthday

So, sweet baby brother Tyler has been on his mission in Spain for 1yr! Yesterday was his 20th birthday, the last birthday he will celebrate on the mission. He will be back the week before his 21st birthday :) As I composed my weekly email to him on Sunday afternoon, I thought about what he is like not just as my brother, but who he is as a person. I made him a list of 20 reasons why he is awesome in honor of his 20th birthday. Although, now that I've had more time to ponder, I think I will revamp my list. So here goes:

1. Tyler has awesome hair. Ridiculous, I know, but seriously, this kid has the best luscious locks in the world (aside from Kate). He has naturally dark brown curly hair that only seems to get darker as he gets older. He gets his curls from dad (like me) and calls it his "Jew-fro."

2. He takes care of his health. He eats super healthy, he works out a whole bunch, and he understands what it means to be active and fit in the crazy, consumer-driven world of food in which we currently live.

3. He is incredibly observant. I guess this one is no surprise, considering he has Ian and I as big siblings. We never let the poor kid get a word in edgewise, I'm still amazed he even learned how to talk! He notices details that most people overlook, and he remembers them too.

4. He has a mind of his own. I think this one says a lot about his integrity; he does what he wants and for reasons that make perfect sense when he explains them (although not always the wisest). Gotta give the kid credit for being about to own his actions.

5. He is always surprising me. Exhibit A, becoming a licensed EMT while still in high school. I had no idea he was interested in medicine, or even being a firefighter.

6. He decided to serve a mission. Exhibit B of constantly surprising me. Not only did he decide that he wanted to serve an LDS mission, he saved every single penny himself. I can only imagine what this boy is capable of when he gets back.

7. He is generous. Once when he worked at Smith's, a woman had forgotten her wallet and was scrambling to feed her kids. He paid for her order, and then she came back at the end of his shift to repay him! What a sweetheart.

8. He loves animals. He genuinely loves our family pets (maybe a bot too much at times) and you can clearly see that in some of his Facebook pics (see the album Sugar's Photo Shoot) and you'll know what I mean.

9. He is super supportive. Even though he's half a world away. his short emails are filled to the brim with love and supporting words telling me that there is a greater purpose, and that we are each meant for great things in this lifetime.

10. He is brave. Obviously, the kid wants to be a firefighter. 'Nuff said.

11. He loves his daddy. This kid has always been a Daddy's boy, he looks up to our dad like Simba looked up to Mufasa in The Lion King (Tyler's favorite childhood movie btw). Dad is his hero.

12. He loves his momma. He emails her every single week and sends her pictures to let her know that he is okay. Sometimes he even sends her presents!

13. He is friends with his big brother. Yeah, they fought as kids, but before he left on his mission he and Ian were practically inseparable. I'm glad they can be friends as adults.

14. He is humble. He lol's in our emails when I tell him how much the neighborhood friends miss him and how often they ask about him.

15. He never forgets to respond to my emails. Not ever.

16. He can longboard like a boss.

17. He has wicked awesome Rock Band skills.

18. He really is a sweetheart. He has a thoughtfulness streak that he hid form me for a really long time, until I finally saw him in action defending my honor.

19. He sets a good example not because he's trying to, but because he is doing what he thinks is right.

20. He is so smart (he must take after big sister), and I can't wait to see what he does next when he comes home from his mission next year.

Happy Birthday Buddy! Love you :)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A small compliment

I like working out, no secret there.

Dance classes are harder.

First off, it's in a group, so I'm constantly angst-ing about whether or not I'm getting the steps right.

Second, there are wall to wall mirrors, so I never miss it when I miss a step or two.

Anyway, you all know how much I'm digging BodyCombat, and on Saturday I received the pick-me up I needed.

Back up, I hadn't worked out at all for 5 days, busy times at work etc. So, when I finally got back to the gym on Saturday, I felt rusty.

Anyway, after BodyCombat was finished, I went to put away my mat, and a woman stopped me. She smiled brightly and loudly told me, "You know, I'm always behind you in class, and I think you look great! You've lost so much weight, whatever you're doing, it's working!"

I was over the moon!

I have felt better about myself, especially this month after I found out that exercise is the most potent anti-depressant. I'm not knocking anything about those who take anti-depressants, I personally want to know I've exhausted all my options before it comes to that. Do what works for you. Sometimes all you need is a small compliment.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

5 Fun Facts for March

It's time for an entertaining round of fun facts:

1- My favorite nail polish is Glitzerland by O.P.I. I absolutely love gold nail polish, so when I found this at Nordstrom Rack, I knew it was meant for me. 

2- I have a rose colored Dolce & Gabana satchel that I obtained while at a clothing swap last summer. It is one of my favorite purses, even though I don't wear it as often as I'd like to.

3- I have a candle that makes the house smell like Vanilla Cupcakes. I've lit it twice a day for the last month, and I'm kind of wondering how long it will take for it to completely melt away.

4- I love the book and film The Help. They are both great, and equally hold their own in comparison. I love Emma Stone's portrayal of Skeeter, especially because I relate with her SO much.

5- I've been taking piano lessons for over a year, and I own an electric keyboard that I named Howard.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

BodyCombat pays off!

I have been going to my gym for 10 weeks, and the two classes I have been frequenting are BodyCombat and Zumba. The first time I tried BodyCombat, I didn't really like it. I wasn't interested in doing it ever again. Then, my first love got engaged and I was so angry that I needed an outlet. Needless to say, I felt much better. Ever since then, I've been going 1-2 times a week.

Benefits: I can throw clean punches, perform powerful punch/kicking combos, and do jump kicks without losing my balance.

I can't believe that I wasn't going to give this class a second chance! I pity the fool who tries to jump me.