Timeline Biography

December 1989:
A baby girl named Lindsey becomes firstborn of the eventual three Larsen children.

August 1995:
Lindsey enters the world of education by attending Pre-Kindergarten at Rose Park Elementary.

June 2002:
Lindsey receives the Hope of America Award at 6th grade graduation.

August 2002:
Lindsey starts the horrific experience also known as middle school, and writes her first novel (whose story line was suspiciously similar to that of X-men...)

September 2004:
Lindsey attends her first concert, Air Supply, with her mom and brothers, and even got to meet the band after the show. They signed her hat.

October 2006:
Lindsey meets the first love of her life in the form of her new baby cousin Max!

June 2008: 
Lindsey graduates from West High in the top 7% of her graduating class.

August 2008:
Lindsey starts college at the University of Utah and studies Communication and Theater Studies, and meets the second love of her life in the form of her new baby cousin Kate.

August 2010:
Lindsey is selected to live in the Humanities House at the U, where she rooms with Natalie all year.

May 2011:
Lindsey graduates a year early with her Bachelor's degree.

August 2011:
Lindsey moves to Washington DC to intern for the Eisenhower Memorial Commission, and moves home just before Thanksgiving.

August 2012: 
Lindsey buys her first car, a Chevy Aveo named Sheldon after Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory

September 2012:
Lindsey starts her first full-time job at the University of Utah and tries to decide on a graduate program.

April 2013:
Lindsey permanently moves away from home after her brother leaves on his mission, and begins to attend church at the Hillside YSA Ward in Sugarhouse.

April 2014:
Lindsey is accepted into the Westminster College MACL program the same week she is offered a full-time job in their science building.

August 2014:
Lindsey begins life as a full-time graduate student while working 40hrs a week.

September 2014:
Lindsey discovers the hilarity of ByuTV's Studio C, and becomes a lifelong fan.

November 2014:
Lindsey has her first date with her chemist friend Sam whom she met at church.

July 2015:
Lindsey marries Sam because she realized that she can't live without him.

April 2016:
MACL Graduation!

June 2016:
Lindsey starts working for the school district and actually feels like she's making a difference in the community.

June 2016:
Lindsey and Sam buy their first home in West Valley.

December 2017:
The birth of baby Charlie.

Coming soon:

A European Adventure Summer of 2019

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