Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mom's Early Birthday

So, my Mom's birthday is in September, when I am in Washington DC, so I decided to take her out early.
We went to the downtown restaurant called Eva,

 and afterwards we spontaneously hit up the Tavernacle for some live music.
After we made a pit-stop at Wendy's for frostys and baked potatoes, we headed back to my apartment.
Overall, it was a great night, personally I had way to much Tequila, and woke up with a headache before work. But I guess that's the sacrifice you make for a fun night out with Mom

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hanging with Bryce

Bryce is my best guy friend. I'd be lost without him.

We had the opportunity to hang out twice this week, I even let him read one of my books (even though he is essentially in most of them). This week we celebrated our friend Kate's 21st Birthday at the Spaghetti Factory, and hit up Pioneer Park for Bryce's very first Twilight Concert (The Decemberists).

We've been close friends for over 6 years now; now we're parting ways :( I'm heading out to DC and he's staying in SLC for ELP Graduate School at the U. Four whole months without hanging out might just drive me insane, because we all know that Skype, text, email, and phone calls just aren't the same as a face-to-face conversation. Although he is possibly coming out to DC during Fall Break in October to visit (fingers crossed).

For those of you who know the history, we are two of the three original Besties. Adam and Bryce were besties, and then I came along and pushed my way in ;) We three were the closest, and they were my best boys. But you know, things change (Adam high-tailed it to Riverton after I moved on-campus and Bryce moved off-campus). So now there are two, me and Bryce. Hopefully we'll still be as close when we're gray-haired and deaf/blind of old age. Haha, one can only hope right?

Hanging out after the birthday dinner.

Chillaxing at the Twilight Concert.

Best Friends Forever!

Washington D.C. Update

As of Thursday (July 21, 2011), I am an official intern for the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission. I received my official intern acceptance letter from Gen. Reddell congratulating me on joining the staff beginning August 22, 2011 and concluding December 16, 2011.

It's all so exciting, my flight leaves on Saturday the 20th at 9:46am. The sad part is going to be saying goodbye to my adorable little cousins (Max 4, Kate 2). I leave right after Kate's 3rd birthday, and unfortunately will miss Max's 5th :( He has already requested/demanded that I Skype him on a daily basis, but I convinced him that a weekly basis will be just as good.

At the moment my mind is otherwise occupied with finishing my summer class, moving out of my apartment and back home, finishing my SRC internship, and giving my notice at the Development Office.

D.C. Countdown is at exactly 4 weeks!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

California Adventures

So, it's been awhile since I've blogged. Really the only thing worth reporting is June was going to Manhattan Beach in Los Angeles with my grandparents, my aunt and uncle, and the little cousins.

It was crazy.

We left on a Tuesday morning, and got to the airport with 45 minutes to spare. After getting bagels and cream cheese we waited for the plane at gate B something or other. After 5 minutes, my uncle noticed that his shirt was on backwards, and I commenced laughing in my head.

On the plane I read my Facebook novel for class, and begun writing my book report.

I met up with my grandparents at the LA Airport and we headed to the beach house.

The beach was great, but the best part was meeting up with my Aunt Jo-Ann and being in the studio audience for the taping of Fran Drescher's new sitcom "Happily Divorced."

The beach, I love it!

Lieu & Damian came down from Anaheim for lunch with me and my grandparents.

Me and Grandpa

It was nice to get away for a few days to the beach with amazing weather, but it was nice to come home again. Although the temperature was absolutely perfect in CA and just plain hot in SLC.