Saturday, November 26, 2016

Princess Larsen Elmer

An update on our sweet furry daughter: Princess is almost 6 months old, LOVES food, is very tall, is afraid of squeaky toys, and loves to snuggle with Mom and Dad whenever she gets the chance.

She went to the vet and was such a good girl until they took her away for a blood test. Mom heard a loud yelp and then felt guilty for the rest of the weekend.

People always comment on how tall she is, it's those LONG legs for sure!

That face though, this Princess is no pushover!

She loves snuggling with Daddy.
Most days I can't tell where the man ends and the dog begins.
She sure does love him.

Since going to the vet isn't torture enough, we also gave her a bath.
Once she realized that  the tub was filling with water (she loves water) it wasn't so bad.
She was a good girl and didn't make too big of a mess.

Princess has done very well at Puppy School.
Mom and Dad both took her to the 6-week-long course so that they could bond as a family.

She finished Puppy School this past Wednesday!

Yay Princess!

Thanksgiving Week Shenanigans

Seriously though, if you call lounging with family, enjoying yummy food, and playing with the puppy shenanigans, then we were out of control ;)

It all started when Sam's parents flew in on Monday night. It was pouring rain. Mind you that we were bracing ourselves for some snow, but the rain was pretty bad too.

Snow didn't come until Wednesday evening when it was time to go to puppy school. I didn't need to go in on Wednesday, so Lisa and I tried to go shopping. It just didn't pan out :( But thanks to her, I was able to select a bottle of dye for the dress I bought for my brother's wedding. The salmon just isn't working for me, so we chose a nice Wine color (red/purple). We have plans to dye it before Lorena's baptism tomorrow. As we made our way home from Jordan Landing, we stopping at the grocery store for some last minute ingredients.

Thursday was full of yummy smells, good conversation, and time with the family. We knew Ian had to work and couldn't join us, but we were surprised when Tyler and Lorena didn't come. Regardless, we had both sets of our parents as well as my grandpa.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Elmer-Larsen Clan.

These are the faces of two kids who are thankful for so many things, and have been so very blessed this year. #SamLovesLindsey

Of course, Thanksgiving would not be complete without a FaceTime from #katedagreat. She's still twinning it up with me from across the country.

 Finally, we are so thankful that we have Princess. She is a fantastic addition to our little family and we love her SO much! Her holiday sweater matches her personality perfectly, if only we could get her to actually like it.

From my dog to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday was a lounge-about day for me. I hunkered down to watch the Gilmore Girls revival on Netflix, but by the time I finished binge-watching I was severely disappointed. I felt even worse that I'd waiting over a year for it and I was just so unsatisfied.

Today is our last day with Sam's parents before they head back to AZ, so we will enjoy the rest of our time with them. In the meantime, I'll write another post all about Princess.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Five Years Later

I can't believe it's been five whole years since my Bubby passed away.

Whenever I stop and think about how much she's missed, it makes me sad/angry/frustrated.

Sam suggested we take Princess and go pay respects to Bubby's grave. Sam had to rush up to his work for a quick chemical test, so he dropped me off and we headed in. I was able to snap a few picks of Princess before I got in trouble for having a dog on the grounds (honestly, I didn't know, but now I do). During our brief visit, we saw a buck and a ton of squirrels.

Princess would have loved her great-grandma, I'm sure of it. I'm sure Olivia would have loved her too (maybe, either that or totally hated her because she would have been cuteness competition).

Again, I can't believe how much has happened in the last five years. I can't wait to see what will happen in the next five years also.