Sunday, July 27, 2014

David Cook Concert

OMG, I love David Cook. His concert was great! He even brought David Archuleta out onstage with him.

David Archuleta came out and was begged to sing 'Crush'

Start of the show, David greets the crowd

The sunset from my seat

David Cook and David Archuleta

Not the best pic of me, but look how close I was!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

JK Rowling is my Hero

I was 9 or 10 the first time I heard about Harry Potter. I'm pretty sure I was in 4th grade, and my ELP teacher gave me her copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone because she thought I'd enjoy it.

I did.

Oh. My. Goodness.

Best decision I ever made was reading that book. Good thing too, because the movie came out about a year later and everyone was so excited.

Back to the book. I was amazed at the story. But let me be perfectly honest, I totally skipped the first chapter because I had no idea what was happening. I always started with the second chapter. I think I did this every time I read it until I was maybe 11 or 12. Once I read through chapter one, a lot more made sense. I fell into the wonderful world of HP, and spent the next couple of years waiting in line at midnight to get the new books and to see the movies. I regret nothing.

Let me back up for a minute. My favorite book is called The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I was in 6th grade when I first read it, and I could totally relate to it. Then I found out that it was written by a girl, which made me love it even more. She wasn't just a girl, but a 19-yr-old girl. JK Rowling is also a girl. If they could write books, why couldn't I?

As I watched HP grow into the amazing world JK had dreamed up, I was further inspired. I wanted to write, be published, and have my stories inspire others, the same way hers had inspired me.

JK is my hero because she had an idea and ran with it. She incorporated dark feelings, love, happiness, magic, friendship, and a slew of other attributes into an amazing saga. Seriously, look what she did! She is my idol because she started a story that took her seven books to tell, and I admire her so much.

I would love to meet her someday.

Maybe one day I will have the chance :)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

My first 10k!

Today I ran in the Deseret News Classic, the 10k portion.

I had bought some new running shoes and I was ready!

My friend Rita was also there, and we met up with her mom and sister (also friends of mine) at the start of the 5k route.

I am currently exhausted, but I ran through the finish line and collected my completion medal.

My final time was 1:37:16. 

My new kicks

My completion medal at the finish line

Rita, me, Sue, and Cass

My new shirt :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

5 facts for July

It's that time again!

1-My middle school bff and I were obsessed with Cher for about 4 years. We had all of her CDs, had seen and could quote all of her movies, and we even got tickets to see her when she came to town for her farewell tour. To this day, I think I know more about Cher than any 24-yr-old should.

2-I really, really, really want a dog. I would love to name it Buffy. She could protect me from bad guys and vampires, and she could go running with me. Or I'd name her Winnie. I don't know. But I want a dog.

3-I would love to meet Sarah Michelle Gellar. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Cruel Intentions, Scooby Doo, I mean come on, she's the bomb!

4-I would love to meet Julia Stiles. Save the Last Dance, the Prince & Me, I love this girl!

5-My first 10k is tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Silver Lining

We all have trials, and we all struggle.

That is something that is missing from the social media world that we all choose to live in. We write positive and upbeat posts about our lives, omitting the details that highlight the problems we're having. But then there are others who are perfectly comfortable airing their "dirty laundry" on the web. Personally, I see those posts and think TMI. My heart aches for those who are struggling, but unfortunately there really isn't a lot I can do for them.

There is a fine line between pretending to be perfect, and simply choosing to share only the good things. I don't want to dwell on the crappy things, which is why I post about the positive things. So, consider this my gratitude list for the week, or my silver lining list.

I am grateful for... friends.
Each one of them helps me in some way, be it creatively, intellectually, religiously, professionally, or emotionally. I'm not the kind of person that has a massive army of friends (although I do have fans, don't get me wrong), but every person who chooses to be a part of my life is very much valued. cousins.
Not just my little cousins, but my cousins who are ten years older, twenty years older, etc. It is so nice to be able to use social media to keep up with everybody, and share happy news and plan get-togethers. I love them all so much! creativity.
I am so thankful that I was blessed with the gift of the written word. Words are my art, and every time I am inspired with a new literary idea, I absolutely must write it down. I find inspiration in the most random of places. ambition.
Without this drive to succeed and learn and grow, I never would have become an actual artist. I can barely remember what I did with my free time before someone showed my how to use a paint brush and mix a new color. My art graces the walls of my work and home spaces, so I am always reminded of the risk I took.

I really shouldn't have to go into detail for this one, but I'll say a little bit. I'm so happy to be with someone who is a friend first and a boyfriend second. He is wonderful, and he looks out for me.

So you see, I have much to be grateful for, and I certainly am.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy Fourth

On the 4th of July this year, I spent the majority of the day with Sam, and then watched the fireworks at Sugar House Park with Victoria and her family.

Sam and I attended a breakfast hosted by his family ward. I got to meet lots of family friends and even sit in some really nice old cars too.

I had dinner with Victoria, Chris, Clayton, and Baby William before we went to the park for fireworks. We had an awesome viewing spot, and glow sticks just because we are just that cool!

Me and Sam in the old car

By far, the cutest pic of us so far, it's getting rave reviews on FB

Me and Clayton

William and his glow sticks
