Sunday, August 28, 2011

Eisenhower Memorial Commission Swag

Game Night-Hurricane Edition

So this weekend, most of the interns stayed in to avoid the nasty weather outside. So my apartment hosted a game night. Before the games began, we made brownies, did manicures, and had an impromptu photo shoot.

Manicured nails.

Dang, as I look a these pictures, I realize how much I look like my mom, not necessarily a bad thing, but it's too weird. 

We survived the hurricane.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Just Another Day in DC

So the first week in DC has been quite the roller coaster. I thought getting here would be the biggest challenge (and figuring out how to get from Point A to Point B), little did I know by the start of week two I would have lived through an earthquake and be preparing for a hurricane.

It's odd, to wake up a week after my arrival and feel homesick. At this point I'm not sure if I miss home or if I am simply afraid to face earthquakes and hurricanes on my own. Luckily for me, my roommates are pretty great; we really lucked out with our room selection. We've really bonded in the last few days, and I have a feeling that we'll get through anything this place will throw at us.

Sadly, they can't help me get over my blistered feet. On Monday, I wore the cutest pair of flats to work and didn't think that I needed socks. Long story short, two blisters (one on each foot) that are making me crazy. Not crazy as if they were simply causing me constant pain, crazy as I'm sick of thinking I'm getting better and then looking down to see blood on my socks :(

I miss my cousins. I had the chance to Skype them on Tuesday after the quake, and instead of making me feel better it really just tugged at my heartstrings. Max asked if I lived in DC now, I said yes. Then he responded by asking if that meant I couldn't come visit him anymore. My heart broke. I told him I would be his Christmas present. Although, December feels so far away considering that it's only August.

I really should structure my evenings more productively (i.e. writing, journaling, photos, exercise, etc), because the busier I am, the less I will think about what's tugging at my heartstrings. The list is far too long in this case.

Don't get me wrong, I love it out here. I love my work, the city, the people, the culture, etc. I wish DC and Utah weren't so far apart.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chrisella uses the Magic Bullet for the very first time...

...and it didn't even phase her!

View from the Top

Here are some pictures of the view from the roof of the apartment building.

The pharmacy across the street.

A school nearby.

The rooftop tables and chairs.


Oh my goodness.

I can't believe there was an earthquake on my second day at work. So much for everything being downhill from here ;)

I had just finished walking to my supervisor's office for a meeting, and after a few seconds of chatting the shaking began. It was surreal. I still feel like everything is moving side to side. Apparently it was a 5.9, which according to is a moderate earthquake/boarder line strong earthquake, and there are approximately 801 per year.

As a result, we evacuated, and ultimately decided not to go back to the 8th floor of the building.

As I exited to Metro to come to the apartment, I saw a bunch of school-kids in their uniforms on the sidewalk. Whether they were evacuating or simply out of school is still unknown to me.

Nevertheless, I called my dad to inform him of my wherabouts and let him now that I am fine. And to all my Utah readers, that earthquake safety stuff that they taught us every single year could possibly safe your life one day ;)

Monday, August 22, 2011

DC Week 1: Some Sights

This is the Metro tunnel at L'Enfant Transfer station, reminded me of the zombie hive in I Am Legend.

In front of the Capitol.

The Mall, it was such a long walk!

The ducks were diving for something good, I kept saying "Haha, duck butts" the rest of the day.

The Senate Building

Talisha, one of my roommates.

Ashley, another roommate, at the reflecting pond in front of the Capitol.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

DC Adventures: Week 1

All right, so I made it to Washington DC alive. The apartment is pretty awesome, as are my three wonderful roommates: Chrisella, Ashley, and Talisha. After we had all arrived, we walked to the grocery store (the boys who had lived in our apartment last semester left us a large supply of Ramen and hot pockets, but what sane girl trying to lose weight and get in shape is honesty going to live on those all semester?) where I got a variety of new healthy foods : Almond milk, Greek yogurt, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, oatmeal, honey-wheat bread. I'm fairly certain that a diet like this paired with working out every night will help me lose that 15lbs that I acquired when I first moved out of parents' house last June.

After shopping, we returned and crashed (at least I did, only after watching The Glee Project once more before tonight's finale).

Mine and Chrisella's room, her side on the left, mine on the right. 
We both have green, blue, and black bedding :) 

 My side of our HUGE closet!

 Our living room, complete with flatscreen and XBOX.

 The view from our living room window.

Our beautiful kitchen, and Chrisella making yummy strawberry pancakes!

As I was unpacking all my clothes, it dawned on me. I'm all grown up, moved out of Utah, and working full-time. It truly is everything I always wanted (despite the whole 'being away from the little cousins part of the story). I'm very excited to see all of the other interns at our potato potluck tonight, and even more excited to start my internship tomorrow morning. Keep you posted!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Less than a week!

I am officially down to less than a week before DC!

We are now on rush to see all and any friends before my flight on Saturday. We kicked off the countdown on Saturday by having a fabulous sushi dinner and catch-up session with Emma and Carolyn at Red Ginger. Oh My Goodness. I seriously need to spend more time with people, it has most definitely been a lonely summer. Which makes me even more excited to live with fun roommates again :)

Today was little Miss Kate's 3rd birthday party, and I had to say goodbye to my favorite babies. I'll admit I got really emotional when saying goodbye to Max, I didn't let him go for maybe 5 whole minutes. Broke my heart when he told me he would think of me on his birthday when I wouldn't be there :(

Later Mom and I met up with Livvy so she could do our hair to pass off a few things for the salon. I really love getting my hair done, something about someone running their fingers through my ever-growing hair really relaxes me. I love it :D

Things to come this week include:

1-(Monday) Finnish reading Eisenhower: Soldier & President by Stephen Ambrose
2-(Tuesday) Ice Cream Catch-Up Session with Erica
3-(Wednesday) Glee Concert Movie with Ian D and work
4-(Thursday) Laundry and last day at work
5-(Friday) Packing and last goodbyes for the Humanities Housemates

I honestly can't believe we're down to less than a week! I'm excited/nervous/anxious etc. But I know that there are so many more adventures coming my way, and as Walt Disney said, "Keep Moving Forward."

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Movin' On

So today was my last day at the SRC and my goodbye party. It was a great day. Bryce, Kate, and Aly and I had a great time at the Desert Edge Brewery at Trolley; I explained to them the significance of that place, it is my parent's special place where they had their first date. We really had a blast catching up and just having a great time.
Afterward, I headed back to Shoreline and got distracted by a vacant practice room. After singing for 45 minutes, I finally headed back to spend my last night at the apartment. I finished packing up my room and proceeded to move my boxes into the living room. All that's left to do is move out my TV and bedding and pack up my kitchen stuff. I'm really excited to move back home for two weeks before heading to DC, spend some time with my parents, and settle back into my old room.
I'm officially counting down until my flight, and every single day is getting closer and closer. I really can't wait!

Monday, August 1, 2011

You are of Worth

This past weekend was my friend Corie's mission farewell, and it gave me the opportunity to reconnect with my Phi sisters one last time before we all split up in different directions. I got to spend the majority of my Sunday talking to Livvy, one of my sisters who is going through her post-grad depression. Like me, she graduated and had her heart broken around the same time, and seemed to have lost her zeal. It seemed like just yesterday I was the depressed one, only it was actually three months ago. Luckily, because I had been there already, I responded to her problems with some of my own recent experiences and they seemed to be just what she needed to hear.

One of the main conversation topics always circles back to relationships, it seems like every time we talk, one of us is having issues with some guy. I pinpointed that the reason why breakups hurt girls like us so much is because it isn't just a rejection, it is a declaration of not being loved. We feel unloved, and that sends us into an anxious quest to feel validated again. It makes us look desperate to new guys because we like the attention, we like to feel important to others. Other girls make it look so easy, and for a long time I was determined to figure out why.

Then it dawned on me. It doesn't matter to them. They have validation and love from other places, they aren't lacking anything and therefore don't spend their free time dwelling on what they think they might be missing. I mentioned this to Livvy, and she asked me where I get my validation from.

I thought about it for a split second before responding (take in mind I had already thought about this long before we had this conversation). I look at the friendships I have in my life, beginning with the girls. That's what made Phi so great, it's because it was our safe place. I don't have sisters, neither does my mom, or my grandma. My family averages one girl per family, and the cousins really don't stick around. My friend Steph has been around since Spring of '09, and regardless of distance we've kept close. Phi added more friends to the mix, like Livvy.

Then I looked at the guys in my life: Dad, Uncle D, both brothers, little Max, Grandpa, etc. Top of the list of non-related is Bryce and Adam. Best friends. My best friends.

So, I get emotional support from my family, affection from my toddler cousins and my best friends, and love from all of them.

So the next time someone performs any act that make you feel rejected, unloved, not worth it, etc you need to re-evaluate your life. You don't need someone else's approval to feel loved. You really don't, as long as you love yourself. Don't ever stop loving yourself.