Friday, May 30, 2014

Summer of Reading: The Pretty One

This week, I read The Pretty One: A Novel About Sisters by Lucinda Rosenfeld.

It took me a few tries to get caught up in the story, which was just okay I guess. I liked the vivid descriptions of each individual sister that highlights something poignant about their rivalries with one another and how quickly the drama sparks can turn into a blazing fire.

I'm not sure if I would recommend it, seeing as it was not high on my list of priorities to finish (the main reason I did was so that I could post today and stick to my schedule), but if you have nothing better to do, go for it!

It made me think about how different my life would be if I had grown up with a sister instead of brothers. Would I have been more feminine or more tomboyish? Would I be any more of a girly-girl now? I guess we'll never know!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Meet Sam

Most people know my dating habits: Feast or Famine.

Yet even during times of feast, I'm not the kind of girl who usually has a boyfriend. Feast usually describes multiple dates with different guys over the course of a season.

Anyway, I'd been dealing with my own relationship-related demons a lot since the end of last year.

Hold on, let me recap the timeline.

About two years ago, I was dating someone. Long story short, he wasn't good for me so I ended things. I didn't start dating again until about a year after that when I moved into my current singles ward. I went on several dates with guys in the ward who were nice and all, but there wasn't a connection and I never made it to a second date. Sure, there was a guy or two that was interested, but I always felt like something was missing from the relationship equation.

Moving forward to December of last year, my best guy friends had found the girls they were going to marry and it definitely got me thinking about my own life and the relationships I've had (or haven't). I'd spent so much time focusing on getting into grad school and deciding on a career path, I forgot to make relationships a priority. After a short time of soul-searching and hints from the universe, I realized I was too caught up in one particular idea and needed to relax.

I switched jobs and got into graduate school simultaneously, and thought to myself, "I'm finally where I'm supposed to be." It was great, I couldn't have been a happier camper after my first week in my new position. I had everything I wanted, everything I'd worked towards, I was finally enjoying the results.

Then I met Sam.

We crossed paths at a multi-stake FHE one week after I'd started my new job. As of now, we have been dating for a month, and I gotta say he's pretty neat. It's so unusual for me to connect with another person so easily, but hey, we got chemistry and we just can't stop talking. Regardless, it makes sense that the wannabe-editor would take interest in the up-and-coming writer.

Sooooo, meet Sam (the boyfriend!):

Friday, May 23, 2014

Summer of Reading: Girls in White Dresses

This week, I read Girls in White Dresses by Jennifer Close.

I like novels that I can relate with, and while the narrative confused me at times, I thought it was a wonderfully written story about 20-somethings trying to deal with life while all of their friends seem to be getting married.

I'll be honest, I kept picking up and leaving off the story in different places, so I'm not 100% sure what the purpose of the plot was, because it felt like every 20 pages they would introduce a different girl that wasn't one of the core three.

Regardless, it was an interesting perspective from girls who are supposedly 3-6yrs older than me dealing with the drama of dating and marriage, etc.

I guess I liked it, I could relate with the characters even if there wasn't really a story line to follow.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Kate's Graduation

I can't believe it's that time of year again! It seems like just yesterday I was watching my little Max finish Kindergarten, and now it's Kate's turn.

Rather than make this post a "oh-my-goodness-I'm-getting-old-what-have-I-done-with-my-life" shpeel, it will be a recap of my time with her these last 5yrs.

The day she was born, August 17, 2008
6 months old

9 months old
18 months old

I love this little girl SO much, but it wasn't always mutual. She was such a high-maintenance baby, and she didn't care for me. Max and Kate's differences have always been compared to that of dogs and cats. Max is like a dog; very friendly, affectionate, etc. Kate has always been like a cat (and this is coming from someone who grew up with cats); you have to work for her affections, it's her way or the highway, and she doesn't do anything unless she wants to.
She is determined to do hard things

She is adorable

And of course, the one time I finally agreed to make her curly hair straight

I believe it was the summer of 2010 when she suddenly decided that she loved me, around the time of her 2nd birthday. Usually when I showed up to babysit, she would greet me with angry tear-filled eyes. This time, the front door swung open, and there she stood, a big smile on her face and she excitedly called out "Lindsey" before running across the lawn barefoot and jumped into my arms. I will never forget that day.

We've been as thick as thieves ever since.

Happy Graduation little one, I love you!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

5 Fun Facts for May

1. I'm short. Yes, I realize that any body with eyes can see that, so it's no secret. But my point for mentioning it is because I really enjoy wearing high heels, they do amazing things for my already awesome legs.

2. I love the Big Bang Theory, I even named my car Sheldon because I'm practically obsessed with my parking spot.

3. I have four best friends: Bryce, Meredith, Victoria, and Steph. I've known Bryce for 10yrs, Meredith for 1yr, Victoria for 2yrs, and Steph for 5yrs.

4. I adore naps on the grass in the shade on a warm summer day. There is something to be said about just listening to the sounds of nature (ie the breeze in the trees, the birds, the stream, etc).

5. I could watch reruns of the TV series King of the Hill for the rest of my life and never get bored with it.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Signing up for my first 10k

You know, I had so much fun doing 5k's last summer, that I decided to simply do ONE 10k this summer, and then volunteer for the Young Alumni 5k at the U later in September.

Today, I officially registered for the Deseret Classic set to take place on Pioneer Day in July. At first I was skeptical, thinking 'do I really need to do all the things on my goal list that I made for New Years?' Those of you who know me are aware that I hate leaving a to-do list incomplete. While I am in favor of making adjustments (ex: changing 'Get into ELP program' to 'Get into Grad School'), I just couldn't find a way around 'Run a 10k.' Oh well, what the heck?

Anyway, I began constructing a training schedule to help me get ready for July 24. It includes a lot of stretching, 3 mile runs, sessions on the elliptical, and some strength training. As I made the schedule, I realized how excited I was, mostly because I love structure (and having a consistent exercise schedule for the next 9 weeks wasn't a bad idea either) and it was a great segue into a new work-out routine.

I'm genuinely looking forward to training and the race itself, and most of my training is in the early AM, so it will not interfere with my unavoidably imminent post-work exhaustion. So really, it's just a matter of getting up 50 minutes earlier on a few select days this summer.

Wish me luck!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Summer of Reading: Adulting: How to Become An Adult in 468 Easy-ish Steps

This week, I read Adulting: how to become an adult in 468 easy(ish) steps by Kelly Williams Brown.

First off, I think the suggestions in this book are great, although I already practice most of them, so I guess that makes me pretty good at "adulting." I will say it made me happy to know that a step to being an adult is freezing meat in 1-3 people portion sizes (I have been doing that for months because it is so convenient).

Another step, discount shopping! I've got this one hands down, I almost exclusively shop at Savers in Millcreek unless I absolutely need it from a department store. My closet is filled with designer clothes that I paid a small fraction for (it pays to know my labels).

The chapter that stood out most to me was on Love.

Step 327.
Accept that heartbreak is inevitable, and realize the only way
to be a full human being to experience it at least once.

Step 329. Love is worth it; Step 330. Be cool with being single;
I'm not usually one to post anything with the f-bomb, but I felt this was necessarily relevant.
Both are relevant.

Step 379. Don't expect "closure," ever, on anything;
I'll admit that this last one I've been guilty of for years, but it's so nice to finally and officially be over it.

I would totally recommend this book, if anything it will help you notice all the ways you are already doing well at being an adult and you will feel  100x better about 'adulting' in general.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mother's Day Skype Session

Tyler, 14 months down and only 10 to go

Since we had about 90 minutes of talk time with Tyler, we tried to take turns having one-on-one time. I let my parents have some time with him while I watched from the stairs. I really liked this photo because it demonstrates their situation with Tyler perfectly. You can tell how much they miss him and how special it was that they could talk to their baby boy.

Same photo as above but from a different perspective.

My parents are truly unique. How many non-Mormons would be so supportive of their son being a full-time missionary? We all can't wait for Tyler to come home. While it seems to be flying by, I can't help but feel sad that he still has so much time left. I miss talking to my brother, and I can't wait to have him back again. It sure is rough on my parents, and it wasn't quite clear to me how rough it really is for them until they got to talk to him. I can't believe how amazing my parents are, they are so much stronger than they advertise, and they advertise pretty blatantly. 

What a wonderful Sunday, and we'll get to see him in 7 months for Christmas!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Summer of Reading: He's Just Not that Into You

This week, I read He'd Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo

Let me just say, I liked the film (and yes, I realize I said that about the last book I blogged about) but I liked the narrative for the book especially. It was very informal and casual, much like having a conversation with a really good guy friend and asking him to evaluate the state of your relationship.

If you saw the film like I did, you realize that more than half the time, guys just simply aren't interested. Yet we keep them around because? No clue, I just know that if he can't appreciate my awesomeness then he simply isn't worth my time. What is the way we (as women) are going to succeed in this lifelong game otherwise known as dating/marriage, you ask? Be with someone who appreciates you!

The guys who don't text back, or don't call, etc, may be nice guys, but I have to say that I want someone who can't get enough of me. They should care, and show it! Otherwise, how am I ever going to feel loved? I've learned to recognize the difference between being interested in someone and being interested in the idea of someone. For a long time, I've been thinking about the idea of a relationship, and realizing that without the right person the relationship won't last. I want something that lasts, not simply one great date with that one guy that one time.

I'm no one-hit-wonder, I'm classic rock 'n' roll royalty.

Anyway, I digress, ladies, listen up! To echo my take-away point from Perks, we accept the kind of love we think we deserve. Do you deserve someone who cherishes you, or who doesn't have the time for you?

Thought so.

I recommend this book to any woman who is of the dating-appropriate age, and the sooner the better. Thanks for the insight, dating will be much less heartbreaking from this point forward.

Next up: Girls in White Dresses by Jennifer Close!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Paint Mixer

Mere and I started out summer the right way, by doing something new and exciting!

I suggested we go to the Paint Mixer because I'm till on the painting kick that started back in October, and I was ready to branch out past painting by numbers. Our theme for the night was "Colorful Paris," and I was SO excited.

Painting the background was fun, I think I picked up some new technique to try at home
Making the outline of the Eiffel Tower, fun but not as much as the background

Mere's finished painting

My finished painting
Us and and our awesome instructor for the evening, Dimitria (btw, she is in an awesome girl band and she even played us some of her music while we painted!)

I had so much fun, I even painted something else after I went back home because I was brimming with inspiration. I can't wait to see what else I find that leads to more paint.

Monday, May 5, 2014

New Hair

Hair Before the chop

Hair After

Many people asked me why I chopped my locks, and the answer is simple. I've just started an amazing new chapter of my life, and I wanted to literally put the past behind me. I'd been trying to be happy with being like other girls, and by that I mean, girls of a certain demographic in Utah tend to look very similar, and I certainly don't like being made to fit into a box. I love the choice I made, and I wish I'd made it sooner.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Summer of Reading: The Perks of Being A Wallflower

This week I read The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.

Let me start by saying that purchasing this book was my reward for surviving the Spring semester, and I can tell you that I knew I'd earned a special treat. Last semester, I'd purchased the film adaptation of this novel because I'd watched it on Netflix more than 10 times in a month (therefore it was a sign that I needed to get my own copy) as my end-of-semester reward, so it seemed to be a fitting choice.

Anyway, I'm in love with the movie because it resonates deep within my soul (that, and Logan Lerman is a total dream), and I wondered if I would love the book in the same way. The answer is: almost!

I love the narrative style of the book, it is all in letters from Charlie to an unidentified pen pal. This speaks to me because I'm strongly considering writing my autobiography in a similar style (I was inspired by reading a letter I'd written in my journal). It's a challenge to picture the character of Sam any way other than Emma Watson, but I think she's a bit tougher in the novel than the movie gives her credit.

My main take-away point from this story was:

We accept the kind of love we think we deserve 

It definitely hit harder in the book than in the movie, and it helped me understand the phrase in its fullest capacity. I guess this book is what inspired the rest of my summer reading list, there are a lot of novels about love (finding it and keeping it) and dating (when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em).

So I guess if I deserve greatness, why do I think it's okay to settle for mediocrity?

Next up on Summer of Reading: He's Just Not That Into You!