Saturday, October 27, 2012


I've become very aware of my friends lately, how much of my time I've spent being anti-social, and how I really need to step it up.

This month, I've had the chance to catch up with a few of my buds; lunch with Sandra H, dinner with Melissa, sushi with Bryce, seeing Pitch Perfect with Laura, dinner with Victoria, and Temple Night with Erica.

I don't think it is enough though. While trying to 'socialize,' I must admit that I've really only been doing the bare minimum. I really do need to get a life. I've decided that next semester, I really need to kick it up a notch. I'm going to give the singles ward a real chance, along with an Institute class, and possibly a gym membership.

I also think I need to get a new hobby. I have an idea to do a series of 4 paintings next year, one depicting my mind, one my body, one my spirit, and one a combo of the three. I figure I can spend three months on each piece, and complete the series by the end of next year.

Although I'm always open to suggestions to help me become a more well-rounded person.

Anyway, I will be more social!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

4 month Anniversary

Yesterday, Oct 13, was my 4 Month Anniversary of going through the Temple. I went through the Salt Lake Temple on June 13, and it really does feel like it was just yesterday. Amazing how time flies!

Monday, October 1, 2012

All nerds get beat up

So I've had my car (Chevy Sheldon) for about 5 weeks, and he is just wonderful. Unfortunately, naming my car after the Ultimate Nerd meant that he would take his share of beatings. Although I didn't think he would get hurt twice in one week. The first time was a fender bender, the guy behind me took his foot off the break, etc. The second time was at a friends house when the neighbor's tailgate hit me while I was visiting (and parked I might add).

Anyway, he is currently at the body shop getting a new bumper. I'm still pretty anxious about driving since those two events were so close together, but I'm trying to equate it to the fact that all nerds get beat up at least once. Hopefully we won't need to relive this experience anytime soon.