Thursday, August 30, 2018

...and this too shall pass

Thank you heaven above, I made it through the first two weeks of school in one piece!

I thought for sure I knew what to expect going into this new school.


This new batch of parents threw me curveballs every time I turned around. Some of those balls I knocked out of the park, others clocked me in the face, and some just whizzed past.

To say the last month has been rough is an understatement. I swear I'm getting gray hair (and not because my baby is trying to walk).

Sadly, I really wish I could go into detail, but this particular platform is not the place.

I know, I can hear you groaning with dissatisfaction.

But honestly, to write about it now would be a bit unethical. Additionally, I don't want to give a third party any fodder in which to bite my rear.

So I will focus on myself instead of what has been inflicted on me. I say that carefully, but only because "experienced" is the word that just doesn't cover the magnitude of it all.

I have exercised many old muscles as we went through registration, but I have also had a plethora of opportunities to grow professionally.

I have seen truly ugly and I have seen true beauty in adults and children.

I have seen entitlement, rudeness, and attitude up the whazoo. But I have also seen kindness and community at it's best.

The most amazing thing I see at my school is potential. The staff, the community, and everyone in between.

I am excited to be part of the outstanding adventure that is to come for this school. To know what could be and compare it to what is, it really is wonderful.


Saturday, August 25, 2018


I remember that first weekend after Charlie was born. I was exhausted, physically sore, and my hormones were a mess. I remember the slew of family members who came to visit while we were at the hospital and when we came home.

Tyler and Lorena came to visit the Sunday after we got home from the hospital. I remember how they nonchalantly delivered the news that they were going to have a baby. It all seemed so surreal at the time. My kid brother, a dad? Sure, all right.

As I watched my own baby grow, I watched Lorena's belly grow.

My nephew decided that he was in no rush to vacate his baby-cave, so they evicted him at 41 weeks and 3 days.

Khal James Larsen was born on Monday August 14.

I examined him closely, scanning for similarities between he and Charlie. Regardless of what I was looking for, I can tell you exactly what I saw.

A beautiful little miracle.

I can't believe my baby brother is a dad!

Monday, August 6, 2018

Life with Baby: 8 Months

Shut up.

Dude, you are NOT 2/3 of the way to your 1st birthday.

At 8 months old, CharlieB has survived his first real illness in the form of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Mama was the one who struggled with it more than he did it seems. But by day three the fever broke, and one week later the large blisters had deflated and popped. Let's not repeat this feat anytime soon.

He started scooting around, and within two weeks he was full fledged crawling on all fours. He crawls EVERYWHERE! He has already started pulling DVDs off the bookshelf and was recently spotted attempting to climb the stairs. Just last weekend he began climbing up people so that he could stand. I'm not ready for that just yet.

Solid foods are still being introduced; he will eat sweet potatoes, rice cereal, oatmeal, applesauce, butternut squash, carrots, pears, and bananas. Fruits tend to bring about faces of yuck, but hopefully he will get used to it when mixed with rice cereal or oatmeal.

He is just over 15lbs, which means he is still a shrimpo in the bottom 2%, but I swear he is all muscle.

He LOVES to make noise and babble. Dada is his favorite word, but Mama is his word of choice when he's angry. Lately he will wake up between 3:30-5am and play in his crib. He is simply dumbfounded when Mama catches him doing this, but hasn't quite realized that if he can hear his rattle rattling, then Mama can also.

He is the master of the cobra yoga pose, as well as planking. He still kicks like there's no tomorrow, which means he will probably be a soccer player or kick boxer. When he gets bigger he can do yoga and kick box with Mama! When he sleeps he is all over the place, back, front, side, butt up, holding his lovey, and sometimes he'll manage to get himself stuck. Oh boy.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Then and Now

Two years ago, I was doing exactly what I am doing now.

It was my first year as an elementary school secretary. Now it's my first year at a new school in a new district.

It is just as overwhelming as it was then, only now I have the confidence. I know how to run an elementary school. I understand systems, policy, program nuance, etc. I get the financial element, the student interaction, and the teacher liason-ing.

Going to my new school was unexpected.

I didn't think I would continue to be an elementary school secretary. I thought for sure I would end up back in higher education.

I followed my principal, also something I didn't anticipate.

But each day, as I sort through the chaos that is this new office, I feel like I ended up where I need to be.

It's amazing the difference two years can make.