Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Art of Facebook Stalking

Admit it, we are all guilty of Facebook-stalking at one point in time or another. Whether it be that hot guy from work just to see if he's got a girlfriend, or the ex-best friend from high school and browsing through their digital life ensures that you came out better. We all do it, some of us more so/better than others.

I enjoy Facebook, although I only stalk when I am trying to pass the time. Now it is officially part of my internship duties. Earlier today I was given a rather large Excel Spreadsheet with at least a hundred names of U of U big wigs to find on Facebook and add to the Sustainability Research Center page that I created.

I really do enjoy applying my social networking skills to real life, it makes me feel a lot better about having a "fluff" degree. Yes, I said it. Although I refuse to believe it, I will address that most Humanities majors (Communication, English, Philosophy) are considered 'fluffy' and time-killers. I won't give in though. At this point in time, my degree has enabled me to create, manage, and network my various online sites.

So now my question is, who are you stalking on Facebook?

1 comment:

  1. Ah, FB stalking. Always fun. ... Though I tend to stick to stalking people I know, not U of U big wigs. So you win there.
