Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Going Forward

Dear Charlie,

The last two weeks have been chalk full of family. The Dunn's came to visit, family dinners were had, and the Barlow family reunion happened in Joseph, UT.

Being surrounded by loved ones was so much fun, especially for me to watch you interact with various cousins. What wasn't fun was watching you deal with your first real sickness, in the form of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Your beautiful and busy hands erupted in large blisters, and you were whiny and clingy from a few days worth of fever.

Yet about halfway through the timeframe for this virus, you are on the up and up. Your fever broke, and the blisters began to heal. Regardless, I now have realized how easy it is for you to pick up those nasty germs that float around everywhere. But does that mean I should keep you away from everyone all the time because there is a risk?

The answer is no.

Getting together with family is worth the (unknown) risks, as will be attending church each week and going to school when the time comes.

We move forward. Things will happen in life, like sickness, but we learn from it and keep going. This is a hard lesson for me, because it is not the sunshine and rainbows version of parenthood that is the norm for us. But we learned together nonetheless.

Much like what our family reunion meant to me, build on the past to have a strong future, that is what I am taking away from this experience.

Keep calm and go forward, sweetheart.

Mama loves you!

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