Friday, November 25, 2011

Update: I am still alive!

So, I realize it's been almost a month since I last posted. Sorry, something major came up.

I am back in Salt Lake, I left my internship 6 weeks early.

Reason: My Bubby died.

It was a difficult month for my family. First, my dad's father passed away on Oct 8. Two weeks later, my dad's brother also passed away. A week later, my mom's mother was admitted into the hospital. She'd had some major health problems, and finally went on Hospice to pass on with some dignity (her request). I booked my flight to come home on Nov. 5, and she died later that evening after I booked the flight. My mom didn't tell me until the next day. I was a wreck. Luckily, my wonderful friend Sandra took care of me. She let me stay with her that night, she made sure I actually ate food, and then she helped me get to the airport. It was the longest 5 hour flight I'd ever been on. My dad was happy to see me. It really put a lot into perspective.

It felt great to be home, regardless of the circumstance. Suddenly, I was in a sea of familiar and loving faces, instead of in a miserable black hole like I was in DC. I pulled it together for the funeral (or the Celebration of Life), but had a really hard time at the burial. It was hard to be there for my mom when I felt like I couldn't even be there for myself.

I really miss my Bubby. The hard part is when something happens, and my first instinct is to call and tell her about it. I never realized just how much of my life I shared with her, and how much wisdom she had to offer me. In the meantime, I have to remind myself what she told me, "I've had a full and happy life, and I love you very much."

1 comment:

  1. She really always tasked about you and her glorious friendship. I think she was taken far too soon from us, but now whenever you need her, you can simply whisper and she is with you. Such life can never be taken from us, a soul like hers breathes life into us all... She is what love is. Pure, without boundaries. Haha seriously! Love you, Little girl!
