Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Moving on Up (and Out)!

This past weekend, I moved out.

Big step I know, but I found a really great little place in Sugarhouse with 2 roommates. It's a little red brick house just a few blocks away from the kids!

The work commute is really convenient, and it has been significantly easier to eat healthier and to exercise every night.

I don't have much to say at the moment, I'm a tad depressed.

A boy that I used to love appears to be engaged. My first reaction was, "She's really pretty." Now I wonder if I am pretty enough for boys. I never really cared before, I thought personality spoke louder than simply looks, maybe I'm just naive.

My heart hurts, and I desperately need to get over it. It's time to move up in the world, starting with an Institute class and going to a Singles Ward.

Maybe I won't be sad anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Hun, we so need to have a girls night and catch up. I am so proud of you for getting your own place, and in the right time and place you will meet your prince charming...love ya chica!
