Sunday, July 23, 2017

Summer Vacation

I really haven't had much of a summer vacation, but that's entirely my fault. I really wanted to do summer school, which took five weeks of my seven week break. So after summer school ended in mid-July, I was ready to enjoy my two weeks of freedom before returning to the office.

It began last week when I spent the better part of Monday and Tuesday nannying for the #JensenBros.

Victoria had to work and her regular babysitter was on vacation, so I offered up a bit of my time. Tuesday was also my and Sam's anniversary (Two years!!) and my perfectly planned date night did not go as expected (but I'll post about that later).

We put together our crib that arrived the week before, which further demonstrated our ability to work together (or at least my learned ability of letting someone else be the leader).

Of course, now this means our cute little nursery is coming together. I finally finished the nursery painting for my son, after weeks of ideas and changing my mind, a concept stuck and I think it is perfect. Since my son will carry on the tradition of being born into Jewish heritage, I made him a painting with Hebrew characters that say 'I love you.' All that's left is to build his rocking chair and we will be ready!

I also went to visit my friend Connie this week to talk about life (and baby showers!), and to visit my friends Adam & Beth and their month old baby.

I've known Adam since I was 14, his family lived around the corner from mine. Now we live less than 2 miles from each other and our sons will be close in age. It's kind of cool to think that our boys could be close friends the way we were close friends.

Anyway, this weekend also hosted the ward Pioneer Breakfast, a baptism, a wedding reception, and finally getting our internet installed!

We've been in our house for almost a year, and we finally decided that it was time to get our own internet service.

I'm glad we did, but I'm also glad that we made our financial decisions the way we did at first, because it warranted us the financial freedom to do other stuff for our house (new blinds, new couch, rugs, etc.). Additionally, we are paying Sam's car off before winter (which is like two years early!) and before the baby comes. I've had to defend my internet choice to many people, but at the end of the day I made the choice that was best for my family, and now we are being rewarded. I think we appreciate all the things we can do online now that we've gone without it for awhile.

It will be nice to blog more frequently, so stay tuned for more adventures!

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