Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Slumping it

We've been in a bit of a slump lately.

I seriously felt like we were stuck in a time loop where January would never end, which was challenging because it was such a big month for change.

Charlie started daycare, Sam starting going to mutual every week, I got a new co-teacher in Primary and we got a new class of kids, and the Alumni board that I serve on reorganized and the time commitment seemingly tripled.

Additionally, my sleep regressing teething toddler got pink eye twice and finally Finally FINALLY cut a tooth!

It's been a loooooong month.

I don't think anyone was more excited to February to arrive than me.

Work has been rough, or rather it has felt more rough than normal because time didn't seem to be moving forward. I was stuck. My cup was running low.

My body has been slowly shrinking due to the fact that my Invisalign liners require 22/24 hours of daily wear, severely reducing my snacking opportunities. I think I'm 8lbs away from how much I'm supposed to weigh for my height. Regardless, my BMI is normal and healthy!

But we've been in a slump.

I'm really, really hoping that we pull out of it soon.

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