Wednesday, May 22, 2019

moving on...

My presence has been minimal lately, but I've been trying to soul-search and improve the various elements of my life. As a result, much has happened.

First off with the most significant change, I got a new job. An opportunity at the district office came up, and after receiving an offer and sleeping on it, I decided it was time to conclude my school years. There is an immeasurable level of guilt weighing on me, but I know that it is what's best for my little family. I've been telling teachers and parents for the last two weeks that I won't be returning next year, and the response has been strong (which makes me feel just a bit special). I'll transition into my new position after we get back from Italy.

I'm also trying to devote more time to my creativity. Sam and I are writing a parody that we are going to submit to Desert Star Playhouse (think Harry Potter meets Saved by the Bell), and I'm painting again. Additionally, I'm getting a bit crafty and tackling some home decor projects.

I'm actually thinking about starting a video blog that highlights the different facets of my life, I just need to get find an editing program.

The hope is that I will start to feel more like myself again as I begin to re-explore the various avenues leading out of my heart and experiment with the various components of my substance. Heres hoping that the writing in my blog rises back on par sooner rather than later, as this is the legacy I am forging.

In the meantime, my toddler will be 18 months old in two weeks! He has two teeth, and just learned how to say "uh-oh." He loves cats, his teddy bear, saltine crackers, and Baby Shark. If he would just get over this stage of sleep regression, that's be great.

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