Commence with the celebrating, because not only am I finished with MACL*601, that also means my first semester of my graduate program is complete!
So, I know I've posted about my other two classes, but this one is special because these people are my cohort; and sadly, next month, our cohort splits up to accommodate the different tracks that we are on (international track vs. comprehensive/arts and culture).
I LOVED this class. I loved everything that we talked about, I loved the friends I made, and I love that we all want to try and save the world one step at a time. They are such an amazing group of people, and I'm over the moon that I get to learn with them.
What we learned:
- How to determine root causes
- The proper way to cite APA style
- How to prepare enough food for 30
- What it means to participate in the 'Sharing Circle'
- The sound of a rain stick means it's Peggy's turn to talk
- There are two kinds of people: those who save the world, and those who run the world
- How to make a causes map
- How to make a 'pretty' causes map
- Reframing pop and rap songs can be very fun
- Our cohort Facebook Group is more like our own personal public forum
- These are the friends we've been waiting our whole lives to meet!
Carly, Me and Melinda |
Megan and Me |
Me, Danielle and Rachel |
Me and Jana (my newest favorite person in the world!) |
Me and Hannah |
Me and Kira (she was my orientation buddy) |
Me and Claudia (one of my other favorite people) |
See you all next semester!!
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