Friday, August 5, 2016


  1. 1.
    a state of depression.
    "I sat absorbed in my own blue funk"
    synonyms:a (state of) depression, a bad mood, a low, the dumps, the doldrums, a blue funk

I've definitely been in a funk lately. I've lost a lot of my structure and routine stability. Plus I haven't felt so hot the last few days, although I can't really blame everything on PMS can I?

I like my new job, there's just so much to learn in such a short amount of time. This is draining me emotionally because I haven't quite built up my confidence in this new role. It's making me insecure and depressing me a bit, which has started spilling over into my view on the world.

As funked up as it's been, I know that these feelings and emotions are circumstantial, and that things will (and already are) getting better. I told Sam of my feelings last week, and together we decided to pay special attention to our spiritual and emotional health for the next few weeks.

We kicked off this pledge by attending a temple session last week, and plan on going to the temple to do weekly endowment sessions for the next little while. We are also going to unplug a bit and spend more time interacting with each other rather than relying on electronic stimulation. I'm also gearing up to start a new month-long fitness program (a hybrid schedule of the 21 day fix and PiYo) to match the new weekday schedule that comes with this new job (7:30am start time means 5-5:30am wake-up call to exercise!).

However, I've decided to take this opportunity to revamp my lifestyle a bit.

We found out there aren't any internet hot spots near our new house, so I've been trying to convince myself that I don't need home internet. Now I'm being reminded just how much there is to do beyond Facebook and Netflix! I decided that I wanted to spend more time reading, so I decided to pick up some personal development books from the library and see if I could improve myself a little. I also received a beautiful journal as a graduation gift that I plan on using to track my personal development.

I know I've been emotionally tapped out for about a month, but my pity party is over and I'm ready to embrace my new life. I have a new job, no more school, and will soon have a new home.

Now is the time to reinvent myself and evolve into a better version of myself.

P.S. We also found out that we'd won tickets to the last Studio C taping of the summer. What a great way to kick of this reinvention!

1 comment:

  1. Smart lady! The Temple is the best place for a pick-me-up! Your Hawaii trip looked amazing, and please post pics of your new house :)
