Monday, April 3, 2017

when I'm an old woman

I don't often think about growing old, maybe because I'm trying really hard to focus on the present and live in the now and not the future. But a writing prompt told me to write about my hopes for myself when I grow old.

First off, I hope I live long enough to celebrate being married to my sweet husband for 50 years. That means I have to live until July 18, 2065 (I will be 75.5 years old by then). My Bubby died shortly after her 50th Anniversary to my Grandpa, but at least they made it to that amazing milestone in their marriage.

Second, I plan on being one of those cute little old ladies who work at the temple. At this point in my life I will have started shrinking and will most likely have a little walker to get here and there. Young women will look at me like I am old as dirt, but young single adults will look at me with admiration and think, "oh she's so cute. I want to be her when I get old."

I don't fear getting old, only the moments that lead up to my eventual passing. For example, I really wish I could just die in my sleep. To go in any kind of tragic way would feel like I got cheated out of living my life to the last minute.

Third, I'm interested to see how I will look as an old woman. I have a strong suspicion that I will end up looking like my great-grandmother, as we share many physical similarities. But this also makes me wonder what my mother will look like as she gets older, as I will most likely resemble her the most.

Despite these speculations, I know that by the time I am an old woman, I will have figured it all out. I will be a fountain of knowledge in multiple areas and able to share my experience with the young people around me. By this time, social media will have gotten to a point whe

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