Thursday, June 1, 2017

my favorite things

We recently got a blue ray player for free, and now we can watch our three blue ray/dvd combo. One of them is The Sound of Music, which got the song "My Favorite Things" stuck in my head.

Earlier today, one of the kiddos gave me a taffy taffy lei, and I started to eat all of the strawberry flavored taffies because they are my favorite. Then it got me thinking, what are some of my favorite sweets? Here is a brief short list.

  1. Strawberry Laffy Taffy
  2. Pink Nerds
  3. Pink Starbursts
  4. 100 Grand candy bars
  5. Chocolate milk
  6. Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal
  7. Cocoa Puffs cereal
  8. Raspberry jam (homemade by my daddy)
  9. Dr. Pepper
  10. Ben & Jerry's Half Baked ice cream

One of my newest favorite things is reading books aloud to my unborn son. I plan on reading the entire Harry Potter series to him this summer so that he enters this world with a familiar sense of appreciation for one of the single greatest book series in the world. Although favorite books might have to be another blog post when I have a chance to rank them.

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