Saturday, March 10, 2018

"I'm always hungry"...

... seems to be my motto lately.

Being back at work has been great for my daily structure. Water consumption is decent, and I know when to take snack breaks, but when the afternoon rolls around I feel like I'm starving. I know I need more veggies, especially when I want to lose the last 11lbs of baby weight, but I'm lacking motivation severely in the "it's good for me" department. Regardless, I know I need to reorganize my meal planning if I want to a)lose the weight, and b) be healthy so that Charlie is getting all the right vitamins and nutrients from my milk.

I was chatting with a colleague who had a sweet baby girl about a month before Charlie was born, and the topic of food was definitely of interest.

She asked me for some of my food prep secrets to help keep the monthly food budget in check, and mentioned that she reads the blog. I took the hint ;)

Awhile back, I adapted to the 21 day fix mentality of portion size and well-rounded nutrition. I had to map out my daily allotment of food to ensure I was getting what I needed. I was immediately aware of the holes in our nutrition and gained some insight to how we could do better.

Suddenly the idea of eating became like a giant puzzle. Additionally I think that I gained a better understanding of how to build a balanced meal. The point is, that by mapping out my food to guarantee I was hitting my goals I became a meal plan master.

If you are interested in my secrets, keep reading.

First, I like to plan our dinners a week at a time.

Every Saturday morning I take a look at what we have on the calendar and I plan accordingly. Here's an example:

Family Dinner (Buy Drinks)

Hidden Veggie Mac 'n' Cheese (Buy cheese)


Crockpot Chicken & Cauliflower Rice (Buy chicken broth)


Bacon & Eggs (Buy Bacon)

Homemade Pizza (Buy Pizza sauce and pepperoni)

After I've chosen my meals, I make my grocery list.

I check the freezer and food storage to see if I'm missing any ingredients for my dinners. If I need anything, I put it on my list.

Next I write my regular items. Sam is pretty consistent with his breakfast and lunches, so we usually buy bread, yogurt, eggs, and produce. Lately I've been really into adding veggies into my protein shakes, so I've been frequenting zucchini and black beans.

Finally, I jot down anything else that we are running low on (ex. toothpaste, shampoo, etc.)

Our food budget each month is flexible, but I try to stay within a certain range each week to maintain that flexibility. the good news is that some weeks are less expensive than others because we are only buying what we need. We do splurge once or twice a month, but we definitely keep ourselves in check.

Since I'm also a picky eater, I'm always on the hunt for recipes where I can hide more veggies or make baked goods more nutritious. I like to use pureed pumpkin in my brownie mix and nothing else, I feel like I'm getting a vegetable in my dessert and the brownies turn out fabulous.

So there you have it, my very simple secrets to nutritious eating and maintaining my food budget.

Now I need to reevaluate my current meal plans and throw in extra veggies and protein so I won't constantly feel like a zombie on the prowl.

1 comment:

  1. I finally got around to reading this! Thanks so much!We've found that shopping at Winco/costco really helps us to stay with budget. :) I'm going to try the pumpkin pure in brownies very soon. yum.
