Thursday, March 29, 2018

When time goes on

Dear Charlie,

I've been home with you all week for Spring Break, and boy have you amazed me! To say that you have grown is an understatement. I can't believe what an outstanding little person you are.

You smile all the time, you laugh when I'm amusing you, and you rolled over again for the first time in about a month. I'd been waiting for you to roll over again for awhile, but honestly I almost gave up.

We were visiting Grandma and Grandpa and you were having tummy time. The next thing I knew, you had rolled over and we had missed it because we were watching the scene on the tv. I begged you to repeat your trick, and after some frustration you did it.

Another demonstration of your awesomeness was when you just decided to hold your bottle. I looked at you and you had both hands wrapped around your bottle. What. The. Heck.

No. You aren't big enough to feed yourself yet.

Also, you don't think you need to take a nap anymore. You think you get to decide when you sleep. Um, I don't think so. As your mother, I know how much sleep you need and how to make sure you get enough to keep growing.

Being able to watch you grow this week has been such a joy. Making you smile and laugh is my new favorite game. I hope Auntie Anna enjoys her time with you as much as I do.

Time really does sneak up on you. I'm aware of that more and more each day. You and me, we are a team. A year ago I found out you were joining our family, and we began our journey to bring you into the world.

Where did the time go?

Mama loves you!

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