Friday, June 8, 2018

Come at me, Bruh!

I made a decision recently about my body.

I wasn't happy with it.

Pre-baby clothes didn't fit yet, stretch marks galore, and the lingering 10lbs of baby weight was getting me down like no other.

I didn't care that I had brought another human into the world, I was tired of hating on my Mom-bod. I just couldn't appreciate it with my life being the way it was.

So I signed up for a class at ILoveKickBoxing for the studio about three blocks from my house, and showed up today ready to make a change.

I tried on my pink boxing gloves and an hour later I was a changed woman.

The endorphin high was sensational, and I felt so good that when I got home I snacked on carrots and hummus (very unlike me). My good mood carried me through my lazy day, and I was ready for bed by the time Sam came home.

Yet as I was working with the trainer to decide my fitness goals, I realized that my priority needed to be on Stress Relief and Body Confidence rather than on weight loss.

I'm very excited for this journey. I know it will require mental and physical discipline, but I am up for the challenge. I am embracing the fact that my body will never be what it was, but I am determined to have it be better than before.

I took my body measurements after class, and I'm hoping to see progress between now and when things start up again at school in August.

The best part is that I am familiar with modifying some of what we did in class so I won't over do it, and I remember much of the terminology and form from Bodycombat a few years back.

I will be fierce.

I will slay!

Come at me, Bruh!!

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