Sunday, December 2, 2018

blink and you miss it

Dear Charlie,

As we approach your 1st birthday (yes, you are turning one this week!), I can't help but reflect on what the last 52 weeks have been like. Additionally, I've thought about the time before those 52 weeks, 39 weeks and 1 day to be exact. How could so much happen in so little time, and could it feel like I blinked and my life happened?

This morning, I heard you babbling in your crib. After a few minutes, you began calling out "Mum, mum!" I couldn't help it, I walked in to rescue you. You were standing up, sucking on the bar of your crib, with your lovey in tow. You gave me your best Charlie smile as I greeted you, because we are both at our best in the morning. We went down stairs so we wouldn't wake Daddy, and you began to toddle around. You munched on your Cheerios, wrestled with your teddy bear (who is your size), and began whining for me to hold you. When I wrapped you in the fuzzy blanket we shared, you tried to bite my face. I've been told that is your version of kisses, except I know you were intentionally biting my face off. It made me think just how much I love our mornings together.

Our mornings looked quite different over the last year. First they were spent outside in the dark and quiet streets as we walked the dog throughout my pregnancy. Later they were spent in a sleepy haze as you nursed by the faint glow of the nightlight in your nursery. Now they follow the pattern of the morning previously described.

One minute you were that 6lb 9oz little kicking machine with a tongue tie and a touch of hypospadias, and now you are about to turn 1 as a walking, almost talking, super lean kicking machine.

Your daddy and I just adore you, we especially love your full-faced Charlie smiles. Watching you become a little person has been quite the experience so far, we can't wait to see what you do next.

Mama loves you so much, my sweet beautiful boy.

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