Monday, December 17, 2018

Year 29

I turned 29 recently, and it has been a flood of all the feels.

Don't get me wrong, I have no qualms with aging. But my birthday coinciding with PMS definitely made me examen my life harshly. However, since my birthday is at the end of the year when most people begin to write new years resolutions, I often feel obligated to improve myself and start over whenever my birthday approaches. For this to be the last birthday before 30, and have in be so close to my son's 1st birthday, I was kind of all over the place with my emotions.

As I'm preparing to cross that threshold between young adult and just plain adult, I'm looking back at the era that is my twenties and wondering what direction my life is heading.

At 21, I graduated college after only three years. During that time I made the Dean's List, worked with other students, lived on campus, and then ran away to Washington DC for an internship.

At 22, I started working full-time and at 23 I began taking graduate-level classes as a non-matricalued student.

At 24, life as an official graduate student began as did the courtship between me and my eventual husband.

At 25 I got married, and at 26 I published my thesis, got my Masters degree, and bought a house.

At 27 I became pregnant and birthed my son, and 28 was spent learning the ropes of motherhood.

This brings us to 29.

I often feel like I haven't done anything with my life. I feel as if I wasted my 20's because I never did anything fun. Recently, I've mused this enough to the point where I want to rectify that notion.

I like to think that if something is bothering me, I take action to make it better. So I definitely think I lucked out when I learned that the Backstreet Boys were coming to Salt Lake. I bought tickets and asked my sweet sister-in-law if she wanted to go with me. Needless to say, we are both psyched for the concert in August. Kelly Clarkson is coming to Salt Lake next month, so I bought tickets for me and my mom. Hugh Jackman announced a summer concert the week before our anniversary, so four our 4yr outing that's what we are doing.

I know they seem like small things, but I spent so much time doing the practical things instead of the activities that turn into life-long memories.

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