Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Cindy-themed day

All right, so we are halfway through the semester! One of the things on my To-Do list for DC was an obvious task 'Go To White House.' Today, we had our tour of the East wing at noon. It was a great activity and a fun opportunity to see all the other interns, we've all been crazy busy lately. Part of this greatness was that I got to visit with Cindy. Cindy is an intern from UVU at Rep. Cheffetz's Office, and she's the one who organized our tour.

After we finished the tour, we noticed a protest going on in front of the White House (by we, I mean myself, Sandra, Cindy, Talisha, and Matt). We watched for a few minutes, and then hit up the White House gift shop. I found all of the perfect DC gifts for for my family, especially for Max & Kate.

Cindy and Sandra and I continued our journey to the Post Office Tower, and stopped briefly for lunch in the food court (meatlover's pizza and lemonade). I purchased the perfect souvenir for myself, a rose-colored   pashmina scarf, before we went up to the tower. It was AWESOME!!!!!

Cindy then insisted that we go to the Capitol so she could give us a tour. We walked for what felt like forever, and arrived 30 minutes before closing. Cindy condensed her 2.5 hour tour down to 1/5 of the time, ridiculous! She did a great job. Pictures to come, as Cindy took all the photos of the day on her phone and promised to post them to FaceBook before the day was over. My feet are SO killing me.

*Added this morning by Cindy, here are the photos:
Me and the Capitol

Me and Cindy

Me and Sandra at the White House

Me and the Ike statue in the Rotunda

1 comment:

  1. I feel you are neglecting a couple KEY details.

    1. the Marines
    2. Defending Utah

    Yeah. Those were the cool things anyways. I demand a post of more detail of before the White House East Wing Tour....just sayin'.
