I know, I know, sometimes I am absolutely horrible about updating my blog, but I guess I've had a busy enough month that it truly slipped my mind.
I celebrated my 23rd birthday, as Ian did his 21st birthday.
I bought a pass to the Rec Center, and am currently in the habit of going 4-5 times a week. I'd go every day, but those 'rest' days are crucial for my health in the long run. My dream is to have a physique similar to that of a Victoria's Secret model (I'm already working on growing out my hair). I'm not necessarily saying I want to be a sz0, but I want to be fit and fab!
I went to see Les Miserables (by myself), and it made me cry. I'm really not one to cry for anything scripted, but I cried twice. When I say cry, I mean that a tear or two spilled onto my cheek. It moved me so much, it truly was a wonderful performance!
I guess these aren't many updates, but hey, I'm a fan of homeostasis.
Although, here are my New Year's Resolutions:
1. Lose my 'love handles' and my thigh cellulite, and tone my triceps.
2. Pay off more than half of my remaining balance on my car loan.
3. Learn to play the piano (with help from Laura)
4. Make it through a Zumba class without feeling like I'm having a heart-attack.
5. Improve self-image:
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Called to serve
Tyler finally received his mission call! He has been called to serve in the Spain-Madrid mission, spanish-speaking and is to report to the MTC on Mach 20 (Dad's b-day).
Monday, November 12, 2012
PinPro #2
Pinterest Journal Project Post #2: Write about the last time you spoke to your best friend. What did you talk about?
This poses an interesting question, if I had to choose one of my three best friends, whom would I choose. There's Bryce, Adam, and Stephany. I've known Adam and Bryce for 8 years, and I've known Steph for almost 4 years. However, as close as I am with Bryce and Adam, I would have to say that Steph is my BFF, or in Grey's Anatomy terms, she's 'my person.' She is the Christina to my Meredith, except we don't sleep around or drink Tequila!
I met Steph in 2009 through a friend named Eva. Surprisingly, while Eva didn't remain a prominent part of our lives, we became incredibly close. Steph looks like Rachel McAdams, and her beauty is merely a reflection of how her true colors shine on the inside. I admire her in so many different ways.
First off, her personality is the cornerstone of my admiration. She and I are so alike, sometimes I think that she's the only person who really gets me (sorry B, but you're a guy, and there are some things you'll never understand!). She is ambitious, strong, and smart and my go-to-girl for all things that require answers that are beyond my understanding.
Second, her spirituality is what solidifies our bond. There have many many times where I've been in need of guidance and she has always been there for me. Her understanding of the gospel and her ability to be such a devoted friend have always made her an exceptional person in my eyes.
Third is her ability to motivate and encourage me. It isn't enough that she is so motivated herself, but that she has excess to share with me, amazing! Because of her, I became more aware and involved in my health and fitness. Maybe one day we will be able to do a marathon together.
Anyway, the last time I spoke to her was last week when we made plans to have dinner and discuss our future as roommates set to become reality next spring. We will also talk about dating, the food we plan on eating, and why I haven't been running. She truly is the best, and I can't wait for us to be roomies!

This poses an interesting question, if I had to choose one of my three best friends, whom would I choose. There's Bryce, Adam, and Stephany. I've known Adam and Bryce for 8 years, and I've known Steph for almost 4 years. However, as close as I am with Bryce and Adam, I would have to say that Steph is my BFF, or in Grey's Anatomy terms, she's 'my person.' She is the Christina to my Meredith, except we don't sleep around or drink Tequila!
I met Steph in 2009 through a friend named Eva. Surprisingly, while Eva didn't remain a prominent part of our lives, we became incredibly close. Steph looks like Rachel McAdams, and her beauty is merely a reflection of how her true colors shine on the inside. I admire her in so many different ways.
First off, her personality is the cornerstone of my admiration. She and I are so alike, sometimes I think that she's the only person who really gets me (sorry B, but you're a guy, and there are some things you'll never understand!). She is ambitious, strong, and smart and my go-to-girl for all things that require answers that are beyond my understanding.
Second, her spirituality is what solidifies our bond. There have many many times where I've been in need of guidance and she has always been there for me. Her understanding of the gospel and her ability to be such a devoted friend have always made her an exceptional person in my eyes.
Third is her ability to motivate and encourage me. It isn't enough that she is so motivated herself, but that she has excess to share with me, amazing! Because of her, I became more aware and involved in my health and fitness. Maybe one day we will be able to do a marathon together.
Anyway, the last time I spoke to her was last week when we made plans to have dinner and discuss our future as roommates set to become reality next spring. We will also talk about dating, the food we plan on eating, and why I haven't been running. She truly is the best, and I can't wait for us to be roomies!

I love you Girl!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Pinterest Journal Project Post #1
So I found this great website on Pinterest that gives you 130 writing prompts.My coworker Kelsey suggested I write each one for the blog instead of journaling them. Hence, this series will now be known as the PinPro (Pinterest Project), and be updated twice a week.
Post #1: Robert Frost wrote a poem titled 'The Road Not Taken.' Name a road you've always wanted to travel. Where do you hope it takes you, and what might you see on the way?
Post #1: Robert Frost wrote a poem titled 'The Road Not Taken.' Name a road you've always wanted to travel. Where do you hope it takes you, and what might you see on the way?
I've always wanted to be an artist in New York.
Spending my days working in a posh gallery, and spending my nights painting.

When not painting, I'd be out at elite gallery events, seeing shows on Broadway,
and enjoying fancy dining establishments.

My Sunday mornings would be spent eating brunch in front of a large window overlooking some part of Manhattan, followed by a stroll through Central Park with my Shepherd mix dog named Winnie.

I would hope the road would take me to a life of excitement and sophistication, where my photo and name would be in magazines, and I'd been part of the artistically acclaimed community. Along the way I would know exactly who I am in my work.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
I've become very aware of my friends lately, how much of my time I've spent being anti-social, and how I really need to step it up.
This month, I've had the chance to catch up with a few of my buds; lunch with Sandra H, dinner with Melissa, sushi with Bryce, seeing Pitch Perfect with Laura, dinner with Victoria, and Temple Night with Erica.
I don't think it is enough though. While trying to 'socialize,' I must admit that I've really only been doing the bare minimum. I really do need to get a life. I've decided that next semester, I really need to kick it up a notch. I'm going to give the singles ward a real chance, along with an Institute class, and possibly a gym membership.
I also think I need to get a new hobby. I have an idea to do a series of 4 paintings next year, one depicting my mind, one my body, one my spirit, and one a combo of the three. I figure I can spend three months on each piece, and complete the series by the end of next year.
Although I'm always open to suggestions to help me become a more well-rounded person.
Anyway, I will be more social!
This month, I've had the chance to catch up with a few of my buds; lunch with Sandra H, dinner with Melissa, sushi with Bryce, seeing Pitch Perfect with Laura, dinner with Victoria, and Temple Night with Erica.
I don't think it is enough though. While trying to 'socialize,' I must admit that I've really only been doing the bare minimum. I really do need to get a life. I've decided that next semester, I really need to kick it up a notch. I'm going to give the singles ward a real chance, along with an Institute class, and possibly a gym membership.
I also think I need to get a new hobby. I have an idea to do a series of 4 paintings next year, one depicting my mind, one my body, one my spirit, and one a combo of the three. I figure I can spend three months on each piece, and complete the series by the end of next year.
Although I'm always open to suggestions to help me become a more well-rounded person.
Anyway, I will be more social!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
4 month Anniversary
Yesterday, Oct 13, was my 4 Month Anniversary of going through the Temple. I went through the Salt Lake Temple on June 13, and it really does feel like it was just yesterday. Amazing how time flies!
Monday, October 1, 2012
All nerds get beat up
So I've had my car (Chevy Sheldon) for about 5 weeks, and he is just wonderful. Unfortunately, naming my car after the Ultimate Nerd meant that he would take his share of beatings. Although I didn't think he would get hurt twice in one week. The first time was a fender bender, the guy behind me took his foot off the break, etc. The second time was at a friends house when the neighbor's tailgate hit me while I was visiting (and parked I might add).
Anyway, he is currently at the body shop getting a new bumper. I'm still pretty anxious about driving since those two events were so close together, but I'm trying to equate it to the fact that all nerds get beat up at least once. Hopefully we won't need to relive this experience anytime soon.
Anyway, he is currently at the body shop getting a new bumper. I'm still pretty anxious about driving since those two events were so close together, but I'm trying to equate it to the fact that all nerds get beat up at least once. Hopefully we won't need to relive this experience anytime soon.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Ooohkay, it has been for to long since I've blogged, but so much has happened I guess it just slipped my mind.
First Up, I got my first real full-time benefited job! I'm ecstatic to say I am back at the U, after being away for a year, it was so great to set foot on campus again. I am in love with walking across campus, cutting through the Union, and trekking through the library.
I even got to go to employee appreciation day today!
First Up, I got my first real full-time benefited job! I'm ecstatic to say I am back at the U, after being away for a year, it was so great to set foot on campus again. I am in love with walking across campus, cutting through the Union, and trekking through the library.
I even got to go to employee appreciation day today!
Adam and the 'A' on the Rice-Eccles field
Me on the 'U'
Anyway, I adore my job as an Office Assistant, it is the perfect job for me, especially since now I am going to pursue a career in advising. I miss my buds from the bridal shop like crazy, but I have begun a brand new adventure!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Quality time
I've been able to spend a lot of time with the kids lately, so here are some of our pictures:
First day of School (Pre-School and Kindergarten)
Kate was sick the first week, so Cousin Lindsey came to the rescue! After a day of funny movies, fluids, and a nice long nap, she was back to normal.
Mass Friday, hence the fancy clothes!
Kate didn't want to wear her hat on our walk, but she looks just like Bubby.
Kate insisted that I wear her bunny hat, I actually want one of my own now ;)
Me and the kids
Me and my girl
Thursday, August 30, 2012
The list, in order
I've always been a list person when it comes to my consistent tasks. I like lists, I respond well to them. Until I realized that my list-making skill was only used when the tasks had piled up and I NEEDed to get things done.
I had recently finished listening to S. Michael Wilcox's 'House of' series about the Temple, and the fourth installment was called 'House of Order.' He spoke about how when things are in order, you don't get distracted by the clutter or feel like everything is too much.
At work, I'm incredibly organized. I have a master calendar, a to-do list, and projects to occupy my down-town.
At home, I'm lacking, as am I in Church sometimes.
Therefore, I made my own personal chore chart so that I can be accountable for what I'm doing and not doing in my home. I've also put myself on a scripture study schedule, to which one hour each night.
I've began keeping a journal to help encourage my scripture study, and I'm hoping to improve my spiritual health with consistency.
We will see what happens.
I had recently finished listening to S. Michael Wilcox's 'House of' series about the Temple, and the fourth installment was called 'House of Order.' He spoke about how when things are in order, you don't get distracted by the clutter or feel like everything is too much.
At work, I'm incredibly organized. I have a master calendar, a to-do list, and projects to occupy my down-town.
At home, I'm lacking, as am I in Church sometimes.
Therefore, I made my own personal chore chart so that I can be accountable for what I'm doing and not doing in my home. I've also put myself on a scripture study schedule, to which one hour each night.
I've began keeping a journal to help encourage my scripture study, and I'm hoping to improve my spiritual health with consistency.
We will see what happens.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
My first car!
After weeks of research and anxiety, I finally got my own car! A cute little 2011 Chevy Aveo in silver :) I promptly named him Sheldon, after Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory, and after spending ALL AFTERNOON doing paperwork, it was done! I immediately went up to Donald's to show the kids.
Sheldon from the right
Sheldon from the left
Kate testing the driver's seat
Max couldn't be left out either!
My boy and Me
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Sandra's Wedding
So, my good friend from DC, Sandra Hanselman, got married today. A few weeks ago, she called to tell me, and asked me to be a bridesmaid. Of course I said yes! I went to her sealing this morning, my very first one! I had such a wonderful experience :)
Steve and Sandra
Another bride had this cute bouquet made entirely of antique brooches
The bride and her bridesmaids
So beautiful!
Kate's Almost-Birthday
My sweet little cousin Kate will be 4 on Friday, so we decided to have an early birthday party for her yesterday.
Mom and Olivia
Kailani, Max, Kate and Madden
Mom putting a hat on Olivia
Max and Kate with their chocolate turnovers
Kate and Max
Sunday, August 5, 2012
...I've be SO lazy when it comes to my blog. I'm going to attempt to remedy that problem. Here are some updates:
Sunday: Kaci's Homecoming!
Me, Skylar and Kari and Kaci's open house
Me and Kari
Tuesday: Mindy's Wedding!
Me and the very beautiful Mindy Hunter Moore! Isn't she gorgeous?
Wednesday: Squirrel hunting and Candy-Bombing Adam's room
This is the squirrel that is living beneath our porch, he almost looks like a cat!
Adam's room after a good 2.5 hours of ribbon-tying
Kendal trying to grab some candy
Adam's poster
The culprits :)
Friday: Chilling at Erica's
I love Er's and Em's kids
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Sidewalk Chalk
So, I was out for my nightly stroll, and Erica's kids invited me to chalk up the walk with them.
Livvy, and her portrait that I drew
Dylan and his body double
Diego and Dylan drawing the outline of my body
I drew a Super-Dylan symbol
Anyway, I love Erica's kids. If I were to ever be a nanny for anyone, it would be for her kids :)
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