Saturday, February 1, 2014

Baptisms and Babyshowers: A Saturday Summary

My day didn't start as planned.

I forgot to change my alarm from 7:30am to 6:30am.

I looked in my closet and immediately realized that I had nothing to wear. Obviously there were clean clothes hanging, but I couldn't find an outfit that was perfect. Why did it need to be perfect, you ask? Because a certain 8-yr-old named Dylan was getting baptized at 9am, and I had promised to be there.

I finally decided on a pewter top, black skirt, black tights, black and gold jewelry, and black T-strap heels. It took me far too long to be happy with my hair, which is why I didn't make it out the door until 8:30am.

Regardless, I arrived at the Stake Center with 10 minutes to spare. I was immediately greeted with smiles on familiar faces, and spent the chapel session of the morning sitting with my sweet little friend Clare, whose baptism I'd attended last spring.

I watched my sweet little Cinder-Dylan (name derived from his inability to run on the grass without losing at least one of hi shoes) be baptized into the LDS church.

Despite my current issues with Mormon culture, I knew how important it was for me to share this day with him. I'd been in his life since he was born, and here we were, 8 years later, still the best of buddies.

After waxing nostalgia with my friends in attendance, I jumped in my car and headed back to Sugarhouse for my friend's babyshower. Hosted by my aunt and uncle, we celebrated the baby soon to be born to their friend/former nanny. It was a wonderful brunch, filled with pink cupcakes and cream cheese bagels for all.

I was exhausted, and I still had to go work out for at least an hour.

Lucky for me, my gym is just down the street from their house.

I arrived home a while later and felt as if I hadn't accomplished anything because I hadn't stuck to my schedule. Even as I write this post, I feel like I haven't done anything today, despite the fact that I am babysitting right now!

Anyway that is my Saturday summary. Look for a more thoughtful and insightful blog post in a little bit.

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