Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Becoming a Griffin, and life with the nerds

This week was a major milestone for me. I actually ventured away from the University of Utah and began a new life at Westminster College. I won't go into detail about how CRAZY different everything is, so I figured that if a photo is worth a thousand words, I'd let the images speak for me.

For example, who'd have thought that nerds are actually funny! I've spotted many quirks in the last few days.

Exhibit A: a little story on the whiteboard in the research lab.

Exhibit B: a sign on a door in the basement.

Exhibit C: an etching on the door to the Copy Center.

Exhibit D: A very creative Lost & Found

Secondly, my new office space. It is commonly referred to in my building as "the fishbowl" because everybody can see me (all the time!). I almost didn't know how to adjust to so much surface space, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.

Spider-pig has a new home!

Lastly, I've really enjoyed the walk to work the last three days. I guess that's the perk of living only six blocks up from work, am I right? I thought about driving, but then I decided that I would have to buy a new pass at the end of the summer anyway and therefore should walk every day until school starts in August. It works out because by then I will have grown accustomed to walking, and will only want to drive on the days where I have night class (only two nights a week!).

I still can't believe this is my life now. I walked through the campus during my lunch today and thought, "I attend a private college. Oh. My. Goodness. When did that happen? Seriously, am I going to wake up in a minute and will this all have been some wonderful dream?" During our lunchtime phone call, my mother assured me that good things happen when you work hard, and if you work for something then you get what you deserve. She repeatedly told me that I deserved this amazing opportunity, and that I would continue to do great things.

All that's left to do is purchase a Westminster sweatshirt and I think I will be officially converted!

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