Friday, September 12, 2014

Blog-related questions

1. Why did you start your blog?
I started Blonde Blusters in my last semester of college. It was summer, and I was finishing up my last two classes while working a student job and a paid internship. I was getting ready to leave for DC at the end of the summer to do my last internship, and I thought it would be a good idea to start documenting life after college. It was a great idea in the long run, because it gave my friends a chance to see what I was always up to even though I was so far away.

2. What is your favorite quote?
"I figure, if a girl wants to be a legend, she should go ahead and be one"- Calamity Jane

3. What does your perfect day consist of?
Being somewhere beautiful when the weather is gorgeous, and being able to paint  or write my day away.

4. What are your pet peeves?
Double-standards, don't get me started.

5. Do you have any guilty pleasures? if so, what are they?
Yes; watching the High School Musical films.

6. Who inspires you?
Audrey Hepburn, Reba McEntire, and Fran Drescher

7. What is the best book you have read recently?
The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The narrative was different and the main character would've been my best friend in high school.

8. What is your favorite childhood memory?
My brother and I built a time-machine out of wooden blocks, Legos, and a blanket. We must've been age and 8 or something like that. Too bad we didn't stick with our inventing innovations, we could have made some real progress by now.

9. What is your favorite restaurant in the city where you currently live?
Blue Plate Diner

10. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now where would it be and why?
Barcelona, Spain; my brother is in Madrid right now and I'm super jealous that he's having this amazing adventure. Although, mine will consist of more than just one country, it will be a European adventure!

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