Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I believe

I know what you're thinking, but no, this is not a religious post. Religion is super personal to me and I don't always feel compelled to broadcast my religious thoughts into the blog-o-sphere.

In the aftermath of my break-up, I've had a lot of time to focus on myself. Lucky for me, one of my MBA papers is a reflection on my best self. So, I've assembled a shortlist of what I believe/stand for:

I believe in laughter; it truly is the best medicine for what ails you. Now, the content that makes you laugh is your own preference, but a good laugh can definitely put some sparkle in your smile.

I believe in education; everybody should have the right to learn, and everyone should have access to high-quality learning tools (teaching resources, books, technology, etc).

I believe in writing; the ability to relate to others without speaking is amazing. I love that people can relate to me and I with them because I choose to write down my words.

I believe in balance; you can do everything, just not all at once. Staying balanced gives you peace-of-mind to accompany your well-rounded-ness.

I believe in hugs; they bridge the gap when your words fall short, and they promote comfort and affection (and we all could use some more of that, am I right?).

I believe in honesty; lies just aren't worth it in the long run, which is why I try to be straight forward when I articulate my thoughts and concerns.

I believe in being classy; own your words and actions, say what you mean in the appropriate time and place.

I believe in working hard; my work ethic is the jewel in my crown of accomplishments.

I believe in friendship; look out for your friends, love them immensely, especially when they need it the most. Don't turn your back on the people you love, be in it for the long run.

I believe in music; whether it is the soundtrack to my life, or just the current track during Zumba. It is an expression that deserves to be celebrated in some way shape or form.

I believe.

I believe that I am a good person.

I am motivated, resourceful, creative, and understanding.

I am the girl who wants to learn solely so that she can share her knowledge with the world.

I'm the girl who will never stop moving forward.

I believe, and I am me.

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