Thursday, February 5, 2015


What is happening right now?

Well, at this exact moment, I should be writing my journal entry for MPC 656 and my nonprofit case study for MACL 602. I should be looking ahead to readings that I need to have finished by next week. I should also be configuring blocks of fitness time in my weekly schedule for February. I should be updating my Wellness Tracker and trying to figure out how many times I can go to the temple this month.

What am I doing instead?

I'm thinking about boys.

Two boys to be exact, I call one brother and the other boyfriend.

My brother Tyler is going to be home from his mission in less than a month! The anticipation is creating waves of excitement and bouts of anxious planning all wrapped up in a nice little package. I'm very much looking forward to giving him a bug hug at the airport, and then never letting him go. Max & Kate miss him too; they keep asking how long has he been gone. They were little when he left, four and six years old I think. They are excited that he will talk to them in Spanish, mostly because they've learned a few words in Spanish that they want to show him.

I'm anxious because of the actual homecoming talk and open-house our family needs to help arrange. So many people keep asking me about when he will speak in church, and as much as I wish I had an answer, I don't. This becomes a challenge when trying to make arrangements for the little party.

Oh well. I need to get over my urge to plan and just learn to go with it.

One of the reasons I'm so anxious is because Sam is planning on coming with me to the homecoming. He will have the chance to meet a whole bunch of my family members and a nice slew of my friends from the neighborhood. It's a bit nerve-racking.

We are still learning so much about each other, but I'm having fun along the way.

Fun story:

My coworker Debby (who is fantastically awesome, btw) was in my office earlier this week, and she looked at my little picture wall and saw the photo of me and Sam at Divine Comedy. Her eyes widened and she enthusiastically asked, "When did you meet Leonard?"

She was referring to Leonard from Big Bang Theory, a show that we both love, and thought for sure that I had met him at Comic-Con. The confused look on my face prompted her to point to the pic and say, "Who's that?"

"That's New Sam!" I exclaimed.

"Really? Good choice," she replied with a smile.

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