Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January Update #2

Push-up Count: 1 set of 20 (and holding!)

I've been working with trainer (let's call him G) for three weeks! He kicks my butt on Tuesday morning and I'm usually still sore by the time I go to Zumba on Thursday afternoon. I think I might add swimming laps on the weekend into the mix; Stephany even gave me a swim cap to encourage me. I like knowing that I'm taking steps toward being healthier and more confident in my appearance, and I don't mind the endorphin boost either. I'm proud of myself for sticking to a realistic exercise routine, I can't wait to see my results come summertime. G wants me to add two more cardio sessions into the mix, which may have to happen on the weekends, otherwise it might kill me during the week.

Novel update:
I'll be honest, since classes started I haven't really been in the writing mood. I've been painting and cleaning more than anything else. I think it's because I do all of my readings for class during the day, and when it's nighttime I just want to do something less rigorous (not to say that creativity is not rigorous, just not as mentally demanding for me).

I finished Raining Lights, and now I'm working on the companion piece, Light Explosion. I plan on using these to breathe some life into the basement living room and make it feel less like a dungeon. I'll post a photo when the set is finished.

Victoria also commissioned me to replicate some pop-art for the boys' room, they turned out a little bit more abstract in style than the originals, but I'm quite pleased.

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Superman, Batman, Captain America, and The Flash

My first group project for MPC*656 was due last week, and I basically took charge of the work load and powered through it; I wasn't necessarily trying to control everything, I just knew that I would slack a bit if I didn't put a little pressure on myself. I was hesitant about this class initially, but now I think I feel pretty good about it. We ended up getting full points!

MACL*602 is great, as usual; I love my cohort, they are seriously some of the most amazing people I've ever met. I'm so lucky that I get to learn alongside them. A recent lecture had us considering a human's basic needs according to Maslow, and coming to the realization that certain demographics do not have the same basic luxuries (food, safety, etc.) and therefore don't consider some issues (arts, education, etc.) relevant because their basic needs are not being met.

Sam and I are officially a couple! I know it took awhile, but we finally got there (no thanks to me and my resistance to label the relationship). Between his calling as the Elder's Quorum President and my school schedule, we are pretty busy most weeks, but we definitely have "power couple" potential.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! (to the Sam thing.) Everything else, too, but mostly Sam.
