Friday, August 11, 2017

it's the most busy time of the year

You guessed it, elementary school registration!

By far, the busiest time of my year is registration week. It's like Christmas, except I don't look forward to it and I get virtually no joy. There are memorable moments for sure, like when the kids come with their parents and drop in just to see me. But then there are other moments when parents choose to be rude, entitled, and aggressive toward me.

Let's go back a year ago and compare.

Last year I had no clue how to run an event like this. Sure, I had been trained to ask for certain documents and how to verify addresses. But that alone did not prepare me for the plethora of issues and technical nuances that accompany different types of situations.

I had nightmares for weeks before, during, and after. My stomach ached so frequently that I thought I was developing an ulcer. I was overwhelmed, drowning in a sea of fire and parents who didn't trust me and therefore felt that listening to me wasn't necessary.

For lack of a better phrase, it simply sucked.

Additionally, Sam and I were also trying to close on our house and slowly de-cluttering our apartment in preparation for our big move.

It was a lot to deal with.

This year was different. Especially with the whole being pregnant circumstance that so many unfamiliar parents feel comfortable contributing unsolicited comments.

First of all, because I know so many of the students it has been easier to answer questions. For example, one of my SPED kiddos registered at another school and the secretary didn't know he was SPED. Being able to provide her that info created an opportunity to fix a potentially sticky situation that could've made her life super challenging in about a month.

So yeah. The little tidbits of info that I have are already going a long way.

Second, our system of registration wasn't entirely perfect, but I'm diligently checking everything as I do computer input. It's easier to catch those little nuances and follow up with parents right away.

And finally, all of our big ticket orders like planners, AVID supplies, and T-shirts are all arriving before the 1st day of school. It was a bit of a scramble last year, but improvement is a beautiful feeling.

So as the first week of crazy draws to a close, I half-heartedly tell myself that it will all die down by Labor Day. Then the next wave of projects will come in.

Like I said, it's the most busy time of the year!

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