Monday, August 6, 2018

Life with Baby: 8 Months

Shut up.

Dude, you are NOT 2/3 of the way to your 1st birthday.

At 8 months old, CharlieB has survived his first real illness in the form of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Mama was the one who struggled with it more than he did it seems. But by day three the fever broke, and one week later the large blisters had deflated and popped. Let's not repeat this feat anytime soon.

He started scooting around, and within two weeks he was full fledged crawling on all fours. He crawls EVERYWHERE! He has already started pulling DVDs off the bookshelf and was recently spotted attempting to climb the stairs. Just last weekend he began climbing up people so that he could stand. I'm not ready for that just yet.

Solid foods are still being introduced; he will eat sweet potatoes, rice cereal, oatmeal, applesauce, butternut squash, carrots, pears, and bananas. Fruits tend to bring about faces of yuck, but hopefully he will get used to it when mixed with rice cereal or oatmeal.

He is just over 15lbs, which means he is still a shrimpo in the bottom 2%, but I swear he is all muscle.

He LOVES to make noise and babble. Dada is his favorite word, but Mama is his word of choice when he's angry. Lately he will wake up between 3:30-5am and play in his crib. He is simply dumbfounded when Mama catches him doing this, but hasn't quite realized that if he can hear his rattle rattling, then Mama can also.

He is the master of the cobra yoga pose, as well as planking. He still kicks like there's no tomorrow, which means he will probably be a soccer player or kick boxer. When he gets bigger he can do yoga and kick box with Mama! When he sleeps he is all over the place, back, front, side, butt up, holding his lovey, and sometimes he'll manage to get himself stuck. Oh boy.

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