Thursday, August 30, 2018

...and this too shall pass

Thank you heaven above, I made it through the first two weeks of school in one piece!

I thought for sure I knew what to expect going into this new school.


This new batch of parents threw me curveballs every time I turned around. Some of those balls I knocked out of the park, others clocked me in the face, and some just whizzed past.

To say the last month has been rough is an understatement. I swear I'm getting gray hair (and not because my baby is trying to walk).

Sadly, I really wish I could go into detail, but this particular platform is not the place.

I know, I can hear you groaning with dissatisfaction.

But honestly, to write about it now would be a bit unethical. Additionally, I don't want to give a third party any fodder in which to bite my rear.

So I will focus on myself instead of what has been inflicted on me. I say that carefully, but only because "experienced" is the word that just doesn't cover the magnitude of it all.

I have exercised many old muscles as we went through registration, but I have also had a plethora of opportunities to grow professionally.

I have seen truly ugly and I have seen true beauty in adults and children.

I have seen entitlement, rudeness, and attitude up the whazoo. But I have also seen kindness and community at it's best.

The most amazing thing I see at my school is potential. The staff, the community, and everyone in between.

I am excited to be part of the outstanding adventure that is to come for this school. To know what could be and compare it to what is, it really is wonderful.


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