Saturday, August 27, 2011

Just Another Day in DC

So the first week in DC has been quite the roller coaster. I thought getting here would be the biggest challenge (and figuring out how to get from Point A to Point B), little did I know by the start of week two I would have lived through an earthquake and be preparing for a hurricane.

It's odd, to wake up a week after my arrival and feel homesick. At this point I'm not sure if I miss home or if I am simply afraid to face earthquakes and hurricanes on my own. Luckily for me, my roommates are pretty great; we really lucked out with our room selection. We've really bonded in the last few days, and I have a feeling that we'll get through anything this place will throw at us.

Sadly, they can't help me get over my blistered feet. On Monday, I wore the cutest pair of flats to work and didn't think that I needed socks. Long story short, two blisters (one on each foot) that are making me crazy. Not crazy as if they were simply causing me constant pain, crazy as I'm sick of thinking I'm getting better and then looking down to see blood on my socks :(

I miss my cousins. I had the chance to Skype them on Tuesday after the quake, and instead of making me feel better it really just tugged at my heartstrings. Max asked if I lived in DC now, I said yes. Then he responded by asking if that meant I couldn't come visit him anymore. My heart broke. I told him I would be his Christmas present. Although, December feels so far away considering that it's only August.

I really should structure my evenings more productively (i.e. writing, journaling, photos, exercise, etc), because the busier I am, the less I will think about what's tugging at my heartstrings. The list is far too long in this case.

Don't get me wrong, I love it out here. I love my work, the city, the people, the culture, etc. I wish DC and Utah weren't so far apart.

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling, I had a really hard time in London. It's just part of the experience, and it will make it that much sweeter when you do come home. :)
