Thursday, October 29, 2015


I haven't been myself lately.

I've been plagued with negative thoughts ever since we came home from Arizona, but I have a strong suspicion that it is because I'm tired of school. Meanwhile, that statement causes some cognitive dissonance, because I love what I'm learning, I'm just burning out due to the way my life is scheduled. This might be the most challenging semester I've had in my life (even though I'm currently acing both of my classes), and I hate to admit it, but I've been counting down to the end of the semester since August.

I'm at the point in my project where I have to submit an official proposal to the IRB, who in turn will give me approval to move forward with my project. Essentially, Chapters 1-3 make up the proposal (all of which have been drafted, so at least that's been started), and then the data I gather in the field next semester will help me write Chapters 4-5. I know it isn't as big of deal as it feels, but it's so overwhelming to read all of the official documents, and even harder to not feel like you're drowning.

I am however taking steps to keep the "rising water" at bay. Mostly, I'm just trying to break it all up, same with my final paper for my rhetoric class. In the meantime, I'm trying to some balance back into my routine.

First of all, I haven't been weight training since before we tied the knot, so I got back into the weight room this week.


I feel like such a wimp because my WARM UP made me sore. But I'm tired of making excuses for not training; so far this semester it's been "oh, I'm going to yoga so I don't have to lift." I just need to find that glorious combination of lifting, walking, and yoga. We are starting our "couples workout sessions" next month, which I'm hoping will help motivate both of us.

Second, we started doing morning scripture study (since we kept forgetting to do it before bedtime) and praying together before I leave for work. It might seem a little silly, but I feel better throughout my day when I feel I have started it off on the right foot.

Lastly, we've been going to the temple as a couple every week (sometimes I go twice, once with Sam and once either by myself or with a friend). I definitely think I'm putting things into perspective, which is something I really need right now.

Seriously though, graduation is in almost exactly six months.

I can do this.

I can do this without losing my mind.

I can do this and enjoy the process.

I can do this and keep my life intact.

I can do this.

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