Friday, November 20, 2015

Gratitude List

November is the time of year where I notice lots of people on Facebook sharing a daily gratitude. Honestly, I'd rather compile a master list so that I don't forget what I've said. Here is just a short list of things I am grateful for right this second. I'm sure I could post something everyday, but there are far too many to choose just one.

Things I am grateful for:

1-Sam, the best husband I ever could have imagined.

2-Mine and Sam's health, and how we are working together to be healthier.

3-Max & Kate, the sweetest most loyal little cousins ever!

4-My parents, always there when I need them.

5-My in-laws, so full of love and compassion.

6-Being able to take family names to the temple, especially because we go through as couples most of the time too.

7-The actual temple! We've grown accustomed to our weekly temple-dates.

8-My car, especially because I paid it off this year!

9-My brothers, annoying 80% of the time but not too bad overall.

10-My crockpot, and all the delicious things I can make with it.

11-Studio C sketches, because laughter is the heart of our home.  

12-Meredith, who always has words of wisdom.

13-Victoria, who loves me no matter what.

14-Bryce, the best "big brother" ever.

15-Adam, who reminds me to enjoy the simplicity of life.

16-Therapists who helped me recover from the majority of traumatic events in my life.

17-Hot Chocolate, need I say more?

18-My friends from Rose Park, coming home never felt so good at times.

19-Job duties I am good at and enjoy.

20-Ibuprofen 800, for those days when the physical pain is rough.

21-Disney movies, because it's okay to love a happy ending.

22-The SHAKE IT playlist on my iPod, because you need a soundtrack to dance like no one is watching.

23-My friends from Hillside YSA

24-My friends from Forrest Dale 1st

25-That physical things can be replaced, and how to appreciate the things that are irreplaceable.

26-Chocolate protein powder, gotta love those killer protein shakes!

27-Cans of pureed pumpkin, because pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin cookies, and pumpkin pie protein shakes.

28-Bubble baths, because relaxation is a right and not a privilege 

29-The ability to tame my hair after 25 years, thank you curl lotion, diffuser, and bobby pins.

30-My phenomenal ability to stay organized.

There are many individuals who aren't on this list who I am incredibly grateful for, so here is the acknowledgment that you all deserve: I wouldn't be who I am today without your love, support, guidance, and strengths by association. I love you all!

Happy Gratitude Month!

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