Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Beginings

As the year begins and I make and remake my lists (resolutions, personal goals, bad habits to squash, etc.), I find myself reflecting a lot on how significant the next few months will be.

This is my last semester of my graduate program, which means I will do my fieldwork and write the final two chapters of my thesis by the end of April. It also means preparing to defend my thesis give a presentation on my topic, as well as looking forward to graduation/hooding ceremony festivities.

It also means figuring out the next steps for my life, or "our" life, as my wonderful husband is now a factor in the equation. I've been preparing for my fieldwork for so long, I'm so excited to gather data and talk to community members. But the anticipation for the semester is also leaving me feeling bittersweet. I'm not sure I will continue with school to obtain a PhD, which scares me a little bit. The last time I thought I was done with school, I became bored after about 18 months.

So this time, I have a plan. After I walk across the stage and receive my Masters Degree (which, among other things, entitles me to having my evenings back), I will spend my free time focusing on growing as an artist. Sam and I looked into some community education classes for painting with acrylics, mixed media, watercolor, and oils, so I know that I can actually take some formal classes to help me develop my technique. I'm thrilled that my husband is so supportive.

Having free time will be great, but finishing this program also means deciding what's next career-wise. Do I want to stay at Westminster (where I'm currently at or switch departments) or seek a new job somewhere else, if so, do I stay in Higher Ed or switch to a Non-Profit?

Honestly, I haven't really given it a whole lot of thought.

I've been so focused on designing my project and doing research that I feel like I lost sight of what happens after the project is completed.

Now here we are, a week away from classes, a semester away from graduation, and me just sitting here like "what?"

2016 will be the year of New Beginnings, and it kicks off with my first research interview tomorrow!

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